Home » Massive attacks by Russians: a psychologist explained how to deal with stress in difficult times

Massive attacks by Russians: a psychologist explained how to deal with stress in difficult times

by alex

You can't be prepared for situations like the massive rocket attack on Ukraine on October 10th. The natural reaction of a person to such events is fear and stress.

It is not always necessary to overcome these feelings, because they can help us. Channel 24 was told by psychologist Elena Lashko.

According to her, anxiety and stress help a person to mobilize in a critical situation: quickly pack things, take care of children.

< p class="bloquote cke-markup">Another thing is if the accumulated stress and fear paralyzes and prevents you from acting. Here you should pay attention to how people dealt with such conditions in general before,” Lashko noted.

How to cope with fear during shelling

The psychologist emphasized that a person should ask himself the question of how you usually cope with stress and the emerging threat.

In particular, you should ask yourself a few questions.

  • What can I do right now?
  • What am I doing?
  • What else can I do to protect themselves and their families?

How Ukrainians are able to rally against the enemy

Against the background of Russian terror, on October 10, Ukrainians began to close a diverse assembly for the needs of the Ukrainian army. According to Lashko, this is not the first time Ukrainians have rallied against the backdrop of an external enemy.

We can feel fear, it's natural. But this fear certainly cannot paralyze us. This has been proven by more than one generation of Ukrainians, the psychologist noted.

How to help children during rocket attacks

Many people, including families with children, live in constant stress due to shelling. In particular, this applies to those who, for certain reasons, cannot leave the war zone.

The most important thing in such cases is to keep in touch with your child. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. You have to be in constant contact, exchange emotions, allow the child to tell his emotions in the family, – said the psychologist.

According to her, the worst thing that can happen in such a situation is to pretend that nothing happens .

Don't ignore those feelingsthat occur in mom, dad, child, brother or sister. It is necessary to give all this space in the family. This is the most effective approach,” Lashko emphasized.

Why you should take care of yourself

She added that it is imperative to support yourself and take care of yourself.

When you take care of yourself, you have more power to take care of others, the psychologist noted.

To help yourself cope with stress in a critical situation, you can seek the support of specialists.

Where can I turn for psychological help

According to psychologists, many psychologists are currently working in Ukraine who can provide assistance online or by phone. In particular, you can call the free crisis support hotline at the Ukrainian Veterans Fund.

Important! You can contact the crisis support hotline at the Ukrainian Veterans Fund at: 0800 33 20 29. The hotline operates around the clock every day.

How to set yourself up for positive in war conditions

According to Lashko, the events unfolding in Ukraine cannot but cause discouragement . All of Ukraine is painfully experiencing such cases as the attacks on Zaporozhye on October 9 or the rocket attacks that Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities suffered on October 10.

Elena Lashko


Because of this, it is impossible not to be upset. However, there is such an observation that after the start of a full-scale invasion, people, having experienced acute stress back in February-March, stopped postponing life for later. We are no longer waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, but are trying to build life in the conditions that we have.

The psychologist added that it is from such a setting that the cohesion of Ukrainians and the ability to rally in any situation arises.

Massive missile attack on Ukraine: in short

  • Since the very morning of October 10, the Russians launched a massive missile attack on most regions of Ukraine. Explosions were heard in Kyiv, Lvov, Dnipro, Zaporozhye and a number of other regions.
  • In Russia, after massive missile attacks on Ukraine, they started talking about a new stage of the so-called “special operation” . The Kremlin publicly declares retaliation for the explosions on the Crimean bridge.
  • First lady Elena Zelenskaya reacted to the shelling of Ukrainian cities. She posted a video of the people of Kiev singing in the subway during an air raid and a missile attack.

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