Home ยป Martial law was introduced in Nagorno-Karabakh: Russia demands from Azerbaijan to withdraw troops

Martial law was introduced in Nagorno-Karabakh: Russia demands from Azerbaijan to withdraw troops

by alex

Martial law was introduced in Nagorno-Karabakh: Russia demands that Azerbaijan withdraw troops/DW

On Saturday, March 26, martial law was introduced in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to the decree, a “temporary restriction of the rights and freedoms” of citizens was introduced there.

The press service of the chairman of Nagorno-Karabakh, Arayik Harutyunyan, announced the introduction of martial law in Karabakh.

During martial law, the following were restricted:

  • the right to freedom of assembly
  • strike and other measures were banned
  • stops the work of organizations that “engage in propaganda or other activities directed against defense and security.”

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry stated that the Azerbaijani armed forces entered the zone of responsibility of the “Russian peacekeeping contingent” in the territory of Karabakh and set up an observation post.

They also stated that from 24 By March 25, the Azerbaijanis carried out 4 strikes by the “Bayraktar-TB 2” UAV on the units of Nagorno-Karabakh near the settlement of Furukh.

Positions of the parties

On March 26, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan accused the Armenian formations of attempting to commit sabotage against the units of the Azerbaijani army in the region. attempted to commit sabotage against units of the Azerbaijan Army. As a result of immediate measures, members of the illegal Armenian armed groups were forced to retreat, the report says.

Azerbaijan warned the command of the “Russian peacekeeping contingent” and the Joint Russian-Turkish Monitoring Center about this.

Meanwhile, the Nagorno-Karabakh Ministry of Defense stated that the Azerbaijani army resorted to “aggressive actions, trying to ensure the advancement of Russian peacekeepers in the zone of responsibility” and used small arms of various calibers in the east.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry called on “Russian peacekeepers” in Nagorno-Karabakh to achieve the return of Azerbaijani troops to their original positions.

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