Home ยป Mariupol was destroyed: officers-traitors from Crimea were informed of suspicion

Mariupol was destroyed: officers-traitors from Crimea were informed of suspicion

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc100="" class="news-annotation">The State Bureau of Investigation has reported suspicion of traitorous officers who defected to Russia in 2014. As it turned out, the relatives of one of them live in the Lviv region.

Thus, the invaders swore allegiance to the Russian enemy. Now they face imprisonment.

Traitor officers from Crimea were informed of suspicion

Suspicions were reported to the former chief of staff of the Center for Combat Support of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the commander of the engineering support group from Crimea.

After the capture of a military unit in Crimea, these men refused to relocate to the territory controlled by Ukraine. Now they serve the invaders as part of the “international mine action center of the armed forces of Russia”.

Now these traitors have such duties as engineering support for the occupying forces, in particular, mine-laying on the territory of Ukraine.

They, at the direction of the occupiers, use mine-clearing equipment to shell not only Ukrainian military, but also civilian objects. In particular, it is these traitors who are behind the use of the UR-77 “Meteorite” installation in the urban areas of Mariupol, – noted in the State Bureau of Investigation.

By the way!Relatives of one of these invaders live in the Lviv region. A month before full-scale war, he warned them about the so-called “liberation”. As a result, the mother and sister went abroad, while the father and grandmother remained in Ukraine.

What threatens traitors

The occupiers were informed in absentia of suspicion of high treason. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment up to 15 years.

Occupiers-traitors/photo of the SBI

In Ukraine, a Chechen occupier will be tried

Thus, during the temporary occupation of the village of Babintsy, Kyiv region, the invader and his colleagues in one of the houses conducted an illegal interrogation of a minor guy. Threatening the Ukrainian with weapons, the occupier demanded to inform about the whereabouts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and representatives of the terrorist defense. weapons, continued the interrogation.

After this, the guy was put into an armored car and driven around the village, demanding to provide information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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