Home » Manipulative technique – analyst about Russia's desire to negotiate with Ukraine

Manipulative technique – analyst about Russia's desire to negotiate with Ukraine

by alex

Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia/Illustrative photo

Recently, Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev said that the Kremlin wants negotiations with Ukraine. However, experts believe that this is manipulation.

Analyst and lawyer Andrey Viriginsky told Channel 24 about this. He stressed that such statements by Patrushev are not new, this is their usual manipulative method of conducting negotiations in public.

According to him, Ukraine is always for peace and partnership negotiations, but they do not hear us.< /p>

“Did we refuse to negotiate with Ukraine? Never, it was Ukraine that froze the negotiation process” – this is how the Russians transfer responsibility from themselves to another, missing key facts, – said Vigirinskiy.

He says the key factor in Europe's security is not NATO's eastward expansion or the prospect of Ukrainian NATO membership. “But the fact that Russia crossed the borders of Ukraine with its troops and started a war. But they (the Russians) omit this moment,” the analyst added.

According to Vigirinsky, this concept of negotiations is proposed by the British. If Europe is interested in these negotiations taking place, it should push through this idea.

Help!Recently, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson initiated the creation of a new union in Europe. The alliance should include Great Britain, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and at a certain stage, Turkey. In the United States, such an initiative was received positively.

By the way, President Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that any war must end with negotiations, because they are able to save people's lives. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin does not understand this.

According to him, the desire of both sides is necessary to end the war. He added that he was not ready to ask the invaders for the independence of Ukraine, because it already belongs to our state.

At the same time, the head of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation David Arakhamia said that Ukraine is in a weak negotiating position, therefore resumption of negotiations is not in time. Today it is important to strengthen the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian troops.

In his opinion, Ukraine will continue negotiations when it receives the weapons promised from partners, as this will make the position of our state in the negotiations more stable.

< h3 dir="ltr">Related video – press conference of Zelensky, Macron, Scholz, Draghi and Iohannis

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