Home ยป Magicians in the service of the FSB: how Russia uses psychics in propaganda talk shows

Magicians in the service of the FSB: how Russia uses psychics in propaganda talk shows

by alex

In Russian television programs, psychics, clairvoyants and sorcerers began to appear more often – that is, people who allegedly have extraordinary abilities. Actually, in fact, the incredible “magic” of these crooks is limited to laudatory odes to Putin, Russia and forecasts about the collapse of the United States.

Obviously, the Kremlin realized that Solovyov and Skabeeva were “blown away” and psychics would not be the worst substitute for them. Interestingly, programs in which “clairvoyants” predict a “victory” for Russia and the decline of Ukraine are watched by millions of citizens of a hostile state. This indicates that the level of degradation of the neighboring country's society continues to grow.

“In the information war, all methods are good”

Citing examples of the use of “psychics” to promote the Kremlin's propaganda, one can mention the Malakhov talk show on December 12th. In the program, a military “clairvoyant” who allegedly worked in Soviet intelligence, Lieutenant-General Alexei Savin, stated that the President of Russia stands above all world leaders.

We were glad how much our leader Vladimir Vladimirovich is stronger intellectually, spiritually stronger (with the leaders of Europe and the USA – Channel 24). God has given us such a leader,โ€ he said.

Alexei Savin says he doesn't fit on his head / Screenshot from a Russian talk show

In addition, on the air of January 25, 2023, “astrologer” Tamara Globa predicted that after years of hard work, Russia will still “succeed.” According to her, now the West is trying to bring Moscow to its knees.

Although now other countries have tried to crush Russia, this is to our advantage. Because it makes us wake up. The character of a person living in Russia is a form of protest. And no matter how anyone pushes us now, very many will rush to us in the end: both with business and in order to live in Russia, the woman kept saying.

Tamara Globa “predicts” that allegedly Russia is waiting for success / Screenshot from a Russian talk show

The words of another guest of the same program, the hereditary soothsayer from Chechnya Aizen, “whose appearance in this world was supposed by Nostradamus himself,” can also cause hysterical laughter. He directly assured that “Russia is not a simple state, but a messiah, she and all her people are the savior of mankind.” At the same time, he called on Russians to rally around Putin in order to stand together against Satan.

Trouble will come from where you do not expect. To prevent this from happening, we all need to rally together against satanic evil. We, the Russian multinational people, were destined to save humanity, we are rallying around the leadership, – he carried such nonsense to the masses.

And his “colleague” – the Afghan “prophet-mathematician” Sidik Afgan – shouted on the air of another TV channel that “the numbers indicate” that Zelensky would continue the tactics of nuclear blackmail of humanity. Although where Ukraine should get nuclear weapons, for some reason he did not say.

At the same time, he assured that “the United States will not be a great state,” and “the EU will fall apart, and this will happen in the period from 2027 to 2032.”

Sediq Afghan threatens peace / Screenshot from a Russian TV channel

Russian propagandists still won't calm down

To this topic, let us recall the analysis of the Institute for the Study of War, which says that the invaders are spreading false information about “Ukraine's use of chemical weapons.” This is another confirmation that the Kremlin propaganda will do everything to discredit our state.

Actually, such stuffing – as well as the use of “psychics” – are part of the information and psychological operations that Putin's media are trying to carry out both with their own population and with people abroad.

How not to succumb to IPSO occupiers / Picture 24 Channel

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