Home » Lukashenko grants citizenship to Wagnerites: what is the dictator up to

Lukashenko grants citizenship to Wagnerites: what is the dictator up to

by alex

Latushko on Belarus/Getty Images< p _ngcontent-sc187 class="news-annotation">The regime of the self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is expanding its own so-called PMC “GardService”. They are trying to place some of the Wagnerites there.

About this24 Channelsaid the deputy head of the Joint Transitional Cabinet and head of the People's Anti-Crisis Management in Belarus, Pavel Latushko, noting that now the Wagnerites are “spread like butter on bread” in different directions. Some go to Russia for a contract, others to Africa. And they are trying to leave some in Belarus.

Sometimes there are signs of certain information operations. In Belarus, there will regularly be tents for a Wagner camp, then they are dismantled, and after that they are built again.

What is PMC “GardService”

As Latushko noted, the GardService PMC was created at the request of Lukashenko’s “right hand” Viktor Sheiman back in 2020 as a private security company. It is this person who is suspected of organizing “death squads” that killed Belarusian politicians in the late 1990s.

GardService was created to work in African markets for Lukashenko’s business interests. He's trying to get in there to make money.

It is important that only citizens of Belarus can be participants in this organization. After all, according to the law, only holders of Belarusian passports are allowed to own weapons there.

Lukashenko found a way out. He simply gives Belarusian citizenship to Wagnerites. This is done by two departments under the local “Ministry of Internal Affairs”. Some say that several hundred people have already received citizenship this way. Lukashenko gives passports in other names and surnames. But he doesn’t sign the actual decree. He can simply “lead them by the nose,” Latushko noted.

The situation in Belarus: briefly

  • As reported in the State Ukrainian border service, as of September 7, Russia withdrew almost all Wagner units from Belarus. This happened as part of the rotation. But no new militants were taken away.
  • The Belarusian media also reported that all Russian aviation was withdrawn from there. Now there is not a single aviation unit of the occupiers there.
  • Great Britain has added the Wagner PMC to the list of terrorist organizations. Now for belonging to it or active support there they can be imprisoned for 14 years.

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