Home » Lukashenka made a cynical statement about a “great war in which there will be no winner”

Lukashenka made a cynical statement about a “great war in which there will be no winner”

by alex

Lukashenko issued another “terrible statement”/Novoye Vremya

The self-proclaimed President of Belarus issued several “apocalyptic statements” to scare the countries of the West. In particular, Lukashenka painted a picture of “a global war in which there will be no winner.” Of course, the politician assured that Minsk was being drawn into it by force.

During the graduation ceremony from military universities, the self-proclaimed president spoke about “the abyss of the great war.” Lukashenka did not change his traditions and, of course, blamed the West for this.

Lukashenko assures that the world will never be the same

impress with his prophetic abilities, assured that the world would no longer be the same. And Lukashenka says that there will be no winners in this global confrontation.

The ongoing events are decisive steps towards a multipolar world order, the termination of the American “hegemony”, in the interests of preserving which groupings of troops are being built up, the “neo-Nazi” ideology and frankly “fascist” regimes around objectionable countries are being supported, – Lukashenka immediately recalled both the Nazis and the Nazis .

To the future military, the self-proclaimed president repeated the old story about the danger on the western borders of Belarus and the formation of the so-called “armored fist of the West”.

Lukashenko called NATO new “crusaders”

The politician embellished his story with historical analogies, saying that NATO is “newly appeared crusaders”. The Alliance has apparently decided to make a “throw to the east” and “destroy the global security system”.

Note! According to Lukashenka, such a policy led to a war in Ukraine. The fact that it was Russia that invaded Ukrainian territory and also from Belarus, Lukashenka somehow did not notice.

Lukashenka believes that a war was unleashed against Belarus

Another senile thesis of Lukashenka is that “Belarusians unleashed a war against Belarus” – not only militarily, but also a hybrid one.

This war involves both national and coalition structures of the North Atlantic bloc, specializing in psychological operations and explosive actions in cyberspace. – scared Lukashenka's graduates with clever words.

Interestingly, the politician admitted that the position of some CIS and CSTO countries is not the same as Belarus and Russia would like. They are waiting.

Pay attention! Self-proclaimed president assured future officers that Western countries are actively reconnaissance in Belarus – both on the ground and in the air. Lukashenka was also indignant about the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO – they say that Moscow and Minsk were not even asked.

The last talks between Lukashenka and Putin: briefly

  • The last talks between the head of Russia and his Belarusian colleague were held by phone on July 11.
  • The main topics were, of course, the so-called special operation in Ukraine and the blockade of Kaliningrad.
  • Putin and Lukashenka agreed on some “common steps” in relation to Lithuania . What exactly is unknown.
  • The Ukrainian General Staff stated that the army of Belarus has recently become more active. Military exercises continue in Belarus, and flight bans continue.

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