Home » Luch and Yuzhne: the language ombudsman announced the need to rename some settlements

Luch and Yuzhne: the language ombudsman announced the need to rename some settlements

by alex

City of Yuzhnoye/Suspіlne Odesa

Taras Kremen, Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, announced the need to rename settlements that have a Russian-speaking character.

The decision on changes in geographical names is made by the parliament

The language ombudsman noted that initiatives to rename settlements should be up to local communities. On their initiative, meetings of toponymic commissions should be held.

According to the results of these meetings, a letter should be sent to the Verkhovna Rada, since the decision on changes in geographical names is made by the parliament.

Taras Kremen noted that back in 2021 In the same year, he took the initiative to rename several Ukrainian cities whose names are Russian-speaking. These are Arbuzinka, Severodonetsk, Yuzhnoukrainsk, Yuzhne, Perevodchikovo, Luch, Pervomaisk and many others,” the language ombudsman said.

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