Home » Losses of 3.5 trillion hryvnias: in California, they showed the environmental consequences of the Russian war in Ukraine

Losses of 3.5 trillion hryvnias: in California, they showed the environmental consequences of the Russian war in Ukraine

by alex

Losses of 3.5 trillion hryvnias: California showed the environmental consequences of the Russian war in Ukraine Julia Mikhailova < Source _ngContent-SC167 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Type) "Image/Webp" srcset = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2749035.jpg~6..v=1739114751000&AMP ;AMP ;W=7685&AMP ;H=432&AMP ;Amp; Cover & amp; output = webp & q = 70 ">< source _ngcontent-sc167 =" "Fetchpriority =" High "media =" (Max-Width: 620px) "IMAG)" IMAG E/Webp " srcset = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2749035.jpg~6~v=1739114751000&AMP ;UMP ;UMP ;UMP ;UMP ;UMP ;UMP ;UMP ;Imp; & amp; output = Webp & q = 70 ">< source _ngcontent-sc167 =" "type =" Image/Webp "srcset =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/27490 35. jpg ? v = 1739114751000 & amp; w = 1200 & amp; h = 675 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & q = 70 "> < iMg _MG _NGC ONTENT-SC167 = " "Class =" Main-news-photo "src =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2749035.jpg?v=1739114751000 "exhibition" Title = "Exhibition exhibition In Berkeley ">< p _ngcontent-sc170 =" "appinViewport =" "class =" News-Annotation "< Strong _ngContent-SC170 =" "~" ~ "The Berkeley University took place, which was exhibition that exhibition was held that I attracted attention to the ecocide of Russia in Ukraine. The organizers showed the evidence of Ukrainians and the consequences of the war in the photo and video left on the online platform svidok.org.

< "ltr" > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62During the event, well -known experts in ecology and the environment, who commented on the situation in Ukraine and the consequences of the eco -crime of Russians. ~ 60 > < p Dir = "LTR" > Anastasia Fedyk, Professor Berkeley, chief economist AI For Good Foundation and one of the organizers of the exhibition, noted that the initiative participants are working on the search for evidence for the court case, finding ways to document damage and develop plans to restore the natural resources of Ukraine.

We began a large collection of ecocide certificates in Ukraine, urging all Ukrainians to provide evidence of Russian eco -crime in Ukraine. The problem of the environmental disaster in Ukraine, caused by the war, has a scale that goes far beyond the line of contact. It will have great publicity, and we believe that we accumulate forces to restore the affected territories. And also-we will leave a lot of information for the next generations, ”said Anastasia Fedik.

< p dir =" ltr "< 60 ~ img _ngcontent-sc85 =" src = "https: https: //24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2749029_17165315.jpg?v=173913807000&AMP ;W=8192&AMP ;H=5464&AMP ;FIT=COVER&A mp; amp; output = webp "srcset = "https://24tv.ua/assets/img/transparent-pixel.png? q=1">~~/p> ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~< em > Anastasia Fedik/photo Tatyana Redko

< p dir = "ltr" > culmination of the event was presentation of military photos and videos made by users Platforms svidok.org. ~ 60 >< p dir = "ltr" >< strong > Berley show shown evidence with the online platform svidok.org/photo Tatyana Redko

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< p dir = "ltr" > to see the consequences of the Russian ecocide in Ukraine, among whom are recognized scientists. The exhibition participants did not hide that they were affected by what they saw.

< p >“The crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine are not just humanitarian, but also shameless acts of violence against the nature and well -being of us all. Hope comes from observing the stability of Ukrainians, including facts, science and some of the best minds to introduce innovations into our exit From this black hole of Russia, we need to connect and do the right things, now this is the responsibility of our generation, ”the entrepreneur and the founder of the company who is engaged in innovative technologies Daniel Dolton. 60 ~ “ltr” >< IMG _NGCONTEN-SC85 = "" "" https://24tv.ua/photos/news/202502/2749029_17165329 07000 & amp; w = 7411 & amp; h = 4802 & amp; fit = coceur & amp; output = webp "srcset =" https://24tv.ua/assets/img/transparent-pixel.png~6~ q=1 ">

~ 60 >< em > 62 ~ photo Tatyana Redko 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > < p dir = "ltr" > “to see the influence of war from mines left on Ukrainian land to injured animals,” said a graduate of Berkeley, who came to the event. ~ 60 > < p class = "Bloquote Cke-Markup" > this is very emotional, especially when you see flooded houses. The whole life of people remained under water – their memories, family relics, favorite parks … It shocks and at the same time stimulates think how I can help, says Student Berkeley. The destructive consequences of Russian aggression for the ecology

~ < p dir = "ltr" > within the framework of the event, a panel discussion of scientists and ecologists took place, the main goal of which was to show crushing consequences for the environment of Russia in Ukraine and draw the attention of the world community to this problem.

< p dir = "ltr" >< img _ngcontent-c85 = "src =" https://24tv.ua/Resources/Photos/News/202502/2749029_17165326.jpg ? 63 ~ 1739113807000 & amp; w = 8192 & amp; h = 5464 & fit = coctor tput = webp "srcset =" https: //24tv .UA/asets/IMG/Transpart-pixel.png ? q = 1 ">< p > <" ltr ">< em > on Panel discussion of scientists and ecologists discussed the issues of Ukraine/photo Tatyana Redko

according to the Consul General in San Francisco Dmitry Kushneruka , ecocide in Ukraine carries tremendous losses:

< ul dir = "ltr" >< Li Role = "Pressentation" > 13 National Natural Parks, 8 Reserves and 2 Biosphere Reservations are occupied by the troops of the Russian Federation; damage to 20 % of the environmental territories of Ukraine; < Li Role = "Presentation" > fires destroyed more than 24 thousand hectares of forest, and in general, a third of the Ukrainian forests received serious damage; < Li Role = "Pressentation" > undermining the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, which occurred on June 6, 2023, took 14 cubic kilometers of water – this is a resource vital for the population and the agricultural complex of the region. The actions of the Russian army led to the flooding of 80 cities and villages, the destruction of a huge part of the Kherson region and ecological losses in the amount of more than 14 billion dollars. The Russian war against Ukraine is not just a cruel campaign of violence against a sovereign state. This is the genocide of the Ukrainian people, an attempt to destroy Ukrainian culture and ecocide – a crime against the environment, the consequences of which will feel the whole world, ”Dmitry Kushneruk emphasized.

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< p dir = "ltr" >< em > Dmitry Kushneruk/photo Tatyana Radiko ~ 60 >< p dir = "ltr" >Consul General in San Francisco added that about 139 thousand square kilometers of Ukrainian lands remain mined. This is annually damaged by 11.2 billion dollars. Full cleansing can cost about 37 billion dollars.

~ 60 > Ministry of Natural Resources notes that more than 7,000 crimes against the environment have officially recorded, and total environmental losses from aggression of the Russian Federation exceed 3.5 trillion hryvnias. And this is not the final figure: for a thorough assessment of the consequences of the war, you need de-Ukrainian lands and cleansing the Ukrainian lands.

~ 60 > The whole world feels the consequences of Russia's aggression due to acceleration of climatic changes, which scientists confirm. In 2022 – 2023 alone, greenhouse gas emissions as a result of a full -scale war exceeded 180 million tons of Co₂. This is the annual level of 175 countries of the world.

< p class = "Bloquote Cke-Markup" Dir = "LTR" > climatic changes are reality. They are already taking place, and the war in Ukraine only deepens this process, causing environmental disasters and increasing greenhouse gas emissions, says the exhibition participant, a well -known expert on water policy, professor Peter Glik. ~ 60 > < h2 class. = "News-Subtitle Cke-Markup" Dir = "Ltr" > During the event, they raised funds to support the Ukrainian army < "ltr" > as part of the event also An auction was held, where the works of art of Catherine Krivolap, Anna Zvechichkivskaya, Alexandra Stucik and Maria Fedik were presented. As a result, it was possible to raise 12 thousand dollars. The funds will be directed, in particular, to the purchase of tactical medicine of the Kraken special forces.

< p dir = "ltr" > during the event, the Berkeley University is united with svidok.org, AI For Good Foundation, Ukrainian Catholic University, officials of Ukraine, in particular the Ministry of Natural Resources, and scientists from around the world to start an active and systemic struggle with ecocide in Ukraine. ~ 60 > 62 ~

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