Home » Long before Ukraine: Zhdanov remembered the Russian tradition of military defeats

Long before Ukraine: Zhdanov remembered the Russian tradition of military defeats

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc100="" class="news-annotation">Russians regularly lost wars or failed to achieve their combat goals throughout the 20th century. The occupiers have a great tradition of military defeats.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov spoke about this on his YouTube channel.Channel 24. He analyzed the historical background of another unnamed author.

Russia lost many wars in the 20th century

Zhdanov cited several powerful military defeats and setbacks in wars in which Russia has been involved. These included:

  • The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 The crushing defeat of Russia, where it lost the Pacific and Baltic fleets.
  • The First World War of 1914-1918. Defeat, signing of the Treaty of Berestey, payment of reparations.
  • Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1920. Defeat. Defeat under the Vistula.
  • The Soviet-Finnish war of 1939 – 1940. Big losses and the signing of a peace treaty. The USSR did not fulfill its tasks. The main goal of the infidels was the complete capture of Finland, and not just Karelia.

As Zhdanov noted, the Second World War was unleashed by the USSR and its ally, Nazi Germany, by attacking Poland in 1939. Then the victory was achieved thanks to lend-lease and the anti-Hitler coalition, which included dozens of countries.

The surrender from Germany was signed by the allies of the USSR. They did not call the USSR, because they considered them to be occupiers, which later developed into the Cold War. Churchill offered to liberate Europe from the Soviet invaders, but then everyone was tired of the war, Zhdanov believes.

According to him, the USSR signed Germany's surrender the next day. Therefore, in Europe they commemorate the dead on May 8, and in Russia they celebrate on May 9. But in fact, the “victory” is very bitter. The USSR lost from 20 million, and, according to other sources, almost 42 million people.

Zhdanov recalled that until 1965 the so-called “victory day” was not celebrated in the USSR. The first to decide to make it a “holiday” was the then head of the USSR Leonid Brezhnev. And besides, many people who were disabled due to the war of the war were forcibly taken out of the cities to boarding schools.

It wasn't until his 20th birthday that Brezhnev decided that propaganda should make an easy victory out of it. They singled out the so-called “Great Patriotic War” from World War 2, took away all cooperation with the Germans, and that's what they inflated. Will win. I don't know what they are celebrating. The death of more than 5 of the population of the USSR at that time, – said Zhdanov.

After World War II, the Russians also had many unsuccessful wars. Among them:

  • The Soviet war in Afghanistan 1979-1989 A lost war without achieving goals on all counts.
  • The Cold War 1946 – 1991. Defeat. The result is the collapse of the USSR.
  • The first Russian-Chechen war 1994-1996. Another defeat. Back then, the Russian army greatly outnumbered it.
  • The Second Russian-Chechen War 1999-2009. Shameful peace treaty. Russia still pays money to Kadyrov for loyalty.
  • War against Ukraine 2014 – still. Ukraine has withstood 8 years and is now holding back a full-scale invasion. Russia is suffering a military, political and economic defeat.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to destroy infidels

  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine have already destroyed about 103,220 Russian infidels. These are the combat losses in Russia as of the 307th day of a full-scale war.
  • Over the past day, on November 26, the Ukrainian military sent another 620 invaders to the “concert in Kobzon.”
  • Except Moreover, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already destroyed a significant amount of equipment of infidels. Among the total – 3016 tanks, 6024 armored fighting vehicles, 1998 artillery systems, 418 MLRS, 212 air defense systems, etc.

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