Home » Lithuania collects 5 million euros for radars for air defense of Ukraine

Lithuania collects 5 million euros for radars for air defense of Ukraine

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc181="" class="news-annotation">The West, in particular Lithuania, continues to support Ukraine in the fight against Russian invaders. The country has announced a large-scale collection for the purchase of at least 5 radars for the air defense system of our state.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Lithuania has shown unwavering support for our state. From the last important gestures – Vilnius put pressure on the West regarding the provision of Leopard tanks to Ukraine. At the same time, ordinary citizens of Lithuania also stand in solidarity with the Armed Forces, as they have announced an important fundraiser for the purchase of weapons.

5 radars for 5 million

The well-known Lithuanian journalist, writer and director Andrius Tapanis announced this initiative. He emphasized that the Lithuanians rallied again to support Ukraine.

The four largest organizations have teamed up to acquire Israeli advanced radars to help protect the Ukrainian skies,” he wrote.

At the same time, he noted that he expects to raise at least 5 million euros in order to buy 5 such radars.

Pay attention! You can also join this initiative or encourage relatives and friends in Europe to do so. You can do this through PayPal or bank transfer on the site at the link. PayPal: mes@stipruskartu

It is known that with the help of Israeli radars, our soldiers will be able to monitor the airspace around strategically important objects. For example, power plants and water towers.

We also note that this fee was announced by the Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT) together with the following companies:

  • Blue/Yellow;
  • Laisves TV;
  • 1K fondas;
  • Stiprūs maps.

Missiles launched by Russia and drones pose a deadly threat to Ukrainian defenders and civilians. These radars will greatly contribute to the defense against Russian death-bearers,” said Jonas Okhmanas, founder of the Blue/Yellow organization.

Lithuania sent Bayraktor to Ukraine in the summer >

To this topic, we recall that in July 2022, the Lithuanians collected more than 5 million euros for the Bayraktar combat drone for the Armed Forces. Tens of thousands of people joined this initiative, which once again showed that Lithuania is in solidarity with our state and people.

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