Home » List of military deliveries to Ukraine is changing – Blinken mentioned the F-16 for Ukraine

List of military deliveries to Ukraine is changing – Blinken mentioned the F-16 for Ukraine

by alex

It looks like the ice has broken in the United States on the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. This can be evidenced by a fresh statement by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken regarding military supplies for our state.

During a briefing on Wednesday, February 8, he said that the United States continues to analyze the situation regarding the transfer of weapons to Ukraine, Channel 24 reports. It is possible that our state will also receive F-16 fighters. But in this matter, not everything is so simple.

Will fighters provide us

(USA – Channel 24) will continue to draw conclusions about what we think Ukraine needs and what can be most effective to use, he commented on the question of fighters.

According to Blinken, “vital” is not only certain types of weapons or equipment. He stressed that it is also importantthe ability of the Ukrainian military to effectively useequipment received from partners.

Military assistance is in line with the course of the war

At the same time, he added that the list of military supplies for our state is constantly changing. This process is regularly reviewed and some changes are made. All this is necessary so thatUkraine can regain the territoriesthat Russia has captured.

Throughout this process, at every stage, we will cooperate very closely with the Ukrainians, as well as work with our other partners and allies,” Blinken emphasized.

He noted thatpartners will do everythingin order for our state to have the necessary means for effective self-defense. And for Ukraine to be able to continue the process of reclaiming the territories previously captured by the Russians.

As circumstances change during the conflict, the support we provide also changes,” Blinken emphasized.

It is interesting that the UK can provide aircraft to Ukraine. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the training of our military on Western-style aircraft. According to him, thisis the first step towards the transfer of fighter jets to us.

Vladimir Zelensky has already jokingly reacted to this. He commented on the training process of our pilots. Here is direct language: “I didn't know that Typhoon training took three years. Let's send our pilots and they will learn in 2.5 years.”

Recall that When asked about the transfer of fighters, Sunak replied that “everything is possible.” At the same time, he believes that the planes are long-term help, while Ukraine needs short-term help. In particular, the Challenger tanks, which we will receive in March.

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