Home » Link found between diet and mortality from coronavirus

Link found between diet and mortality from coronavirus

by alex

Scientists have found a link between diet and mortality from the coronavirus. Thus, countries whose inhabitants adhere to the Mediterranean diet have shown the highest mortality rates. The newspaper “Izvestia” writes about this.

In their study, scientists concluded that the low mortality rate in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, China and Turkey was promoted by the habit of residents to eat sauerkraut and dairy products. “Low fat dairy and sour milk products are part of many diets, the rationality of which has been proven. They promote the excretion of uric acid, normalize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and are a source of calcium and vitamin D, ”explained nutritionist Natalya Pugacheva.

But food, according to experts, does not affect the virus, but the human immune system. It is formed, among other things, by a person's food habits: to form immunity, you need to adhere to a certain diet for several years. But improper nutrition can lead to a number of diseases: obesity or diabetes. They, in turn, aggravate the course of the coronavirus infection.

In Russia, over the past day, 5195 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in 84 regions. The total number of infected in Russia amounted to 1,025,505 for the entire time of the spread of the infection.

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