Home » Limiting electricity consumption: Ukrainians were explained by examples how to reduce it

Limiting electricity consumption: Ukrainians were explained by examples how to reduce it

by alex

Ukrainians were asked not to turn on many devices at the same time. In particular, it is advised to use the rule “one lamp plus one device at a time”.

However, they warned that this does not apply to charging a mobile phone, since charging them does not consume much electricity. Ukrenergo spoke about how best to save light using an example on October 20, channel 24 reports.

Ukrenergo reported how to save light

Unfortunately, the situation in the energy system has not yet fully stabilized, we will still be asking you for savings and will be forced to apply restrictions for some time. – Ukrenergo reported.

They reminded that there are hours of maximum consumption in the energy system – from 7 to 11 in the morning and from 17 to 23 in the evening.

On the eve of October 20, people partially heard the appeals of Ukrenergo. After all, they saved money at the beginning of the day, but after 10 am, light consumption increased:

  • that is, the peak shifted to 10 am, but did not disappear;
  • dispatchers turned off the lights in the central and northern regions;
  • therefore, the company asked everyone to carefully consider the requests and not turn on many devices at the same time.

If everyone would heed the “one lamp plus one fixture at a time” advice, the outages could be shorter. Or in some places they might not have been, the company explained.

Ukrenergo gave examples:

  • if the oven is working, then we don’t turn on the kettle, hair dryer or iron;
  • if we iron or vacuum, we do not turn on the electric stove or oven.

How Ukrainians saved on October 20

Ukrenergo said that on October 20:

  • Kyiv residents consumed the same amount at 10 a.m. as in the evening of October 19;
  • residents of Kyiv and Chernihiv regions increased by 17% and 9%, respectively;
  • peak consumption increased by Kherson and Mykolaiv regions;
  • other regions used less light than in the evening of October 19;
  • however, in Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regions, electricity still had to be turned off.

At the same time, Ukrainians in Chernihiv, Khmelnitsky, Poltava and Sumy regions used 5.4% less light compared to October 19.

Despite the cold, people were asked to save electricity. Because then the restoration and balancing of the energy system will be faster.

Shmigal told where there is still no electricity in Ukraine

Denis Shmihal said that almost all territories controlled by Ukraine are provided with electricity.


Now 99% of the settlements where there is no electricity on a permanent basis are either occupied territories or settlements in the immediate vicinity of the war zone, and there are no opportunities to make repairs, – explained Denis Shmigal.

The prime minister also added that all services are working on the ground around the clock, however, restrictions and shutdowns are still possible throughout Ukraine.

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