Home » Like the Nazis in the 1940s: the occupiers hand out propaganda papers to deported Mariupol residents and promise them land

Like the Nazis in the 1940s: the occupiers hand out propaganda papers to deported Mariupol residents and promise them land

by alex

Russian occupiers hand out agitation leaflets to the deported Mariupol residents and promise a hectare of land in Siberia. Similar materials were distributed by the Nazis in the 1940s.

The Mariupol City Council published online photos of leaflets distributed among deported Ukrainians by Russian invaders.

Agitation cards are distributed among the deported Ukrainians

These postcards are received by the deported Mariupol residents. Our people are being taken to the most depressive regions of Russia,” the City Council noted.

They added that the ugly logic of Vladimir Putin is now clear. “First, the rashists destroy a successful warm city on the Sea of ​​Azov. And they drive people to Siberia and Sakhalin. They need new guest workers,” they noted. But they asked how this differs from Hitler's policy.

In agitation people are called to the Far East and promised financial assistance and a hectare of land.

Like Nazis in 1940 -x: the occupiers hand out propaganda papers to deported Mariupol residents and promise them land

Campaign postcards handed out to the deportees/Photo by the Mariupol City Council

The Nazis did this before

The Mariupol City Hall emphasized that the Nazis also promised a good life in the 1940s, when drove people to work in Germany. “But hundreds of thousands found there not mountains of gold, but humiliation, inhuman abuse or death,” the city council explained. Unfortunately history is repeating itself.

Like the Nazis in the 1940s: the occupiers hand out propaganda papers to deported Mariupol residents and promise them land

Agitation distributed by the Nazis in the 1940s/Photo by the Mariupol City Council

Recall, the day before it became known that the invaders illegally removed from Mariupol at least 33 thousands of Ukrainians. They were deported to Russia and to the temporarily occupied territories of Donbass.

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