Home » Let's force the invaders to move away from Kherson, – the expert predicted what the counteroffensive would be

Let's force the invaders to move away from Kherson, – the expert predicted what the counteroffensive would be

by alex

Force the invaders to move away from Kherson/Channel 24 Collage

In the Kherson region, local authorities have asked Ukrainians to seek shelter, stock up on food and water, because a counteroffensive is being prepared. How it can be read in the material.


According to military expert Denis Popovich, Ukrainian defenders can continue to use asymmetric tactics and strike at bridges, crossings, and supply chains. He spoke about this on Channel 24.

According to him, this is necessary in order to “soften” the Russian group and force them to move away from Kherson or they will be destroyed.

If a grouping is unable or unable to replenish, how long will it last if active fighting starts? – said Denis Popovich.

“But I'm very afraid that the Russian leadership may be guided by political motives, not military ones. Because of political motives, they can command to become on the defensive and keep Kherson at any cost. This also cannot be ruled out,” the military expert said.

< h3>What the Kremlin will tell the Russians about the de-occupation of Kherson

Denis Popovich suggested that if Kherson is de-occupied, it will be very difficult for the Russian leadership to claim victory.

He noted that if one is guided by data from certain Russian publics on the situation around Kherson, although they can not be trusted by a large percentage. There you can see a big dilemma: to leave Kherson or to defend it.

If you defend it, then this can result in very large casualties among Russian soldiers, who are already not very good (moral-psychological – channel 24) state, – said Denis Popovich.

“If you leave him, then how to give it? What victory, what” gesture of good will “can justify this?”, – added the military expert.

What is the situation in Kherson? It is significantly damaged, repairs are ongoing.
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