Home ยป “Let them swim”: the occupiers opened a swimming pool in Melitopol, which was built by Ukrainians

“Let them swim”: the occupiers opened a swimming pool in Melitopol, which was built by Ukrainians

by alex

The invaders opened a swimming pool in Melitopol/061

< strong _ngcontent-sc83="">In Melitopol, the invaders opened a swimming pool. There was a new playground built by the Ukrainian authorities.

It is clear that the pool has been closed since the beginning of the war. A correspondent from Zaporozhye told about this on the air of Channel 24.

Therefore, the invaders scratched their heads and decided to open this pool for propaganda purposes, – the correspondent said.

So they are trying to show, they say, everything is fine in Melitopol. However, the reaction of the local population is frankly disappointing.

“They say, let the invaders swim in this pool themselves, and then we will clean it up and use it after the victory,” the journalist said.

< strong>By the way. This is not the only case of Russian propaganda in the city. Thus, the mouthpieces of the Kremlin began to spread a frank fake about the occupied Melitopol. They race to lie about how people there “rejoice” at the arrival of the Russian currency.

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