Home » Left without heat at -30: a spectacular breakthrough in the heating main in the Novosibirsk region

Left without heat at -30: a spectacular breakthrough in the heating main in the Novosibirsk region

by alex

In Kuibyshev on February 15, a heating main broke/Collage 24 Channel

Russian propaganda is constantly trying to convince the local population that without their gas, Europe will freeze. However, in fact, everything happens exactly the opposite and it is the Russians who have to freeze.

In yet another region of Russia, on February 15, a heating main ruptured – this time the Novosibirsk region again became a victim. Residents of Kuibyshev are forced to sit without heating while real “geysers” rage outside.

Fountains in Kuibyshev

In Russian Kuibyshev, in the Novosibirsk region, a heating main broke on February 15th. Local publics immediately shared spectacular videos of hot steam filling the street – reminiscent of real geysers.

At the same time, authorities tried to convince locals that the breakthrough was just a “defect” , assuring that there is heat supply in the houses. However, Russians don’t think so – they have already begun to complain about the lack of heating.

Fountains and steam in Russian Kuibyshev: watch the video

We would like to add that frosts down to -30 degrees are now being recorded in the Novosibirsk region. That is, turning off the heating is literally deadly for city residents.

Russians have such “troubles” regularly

  • In the middle of January, the heating was turned off for the residents of Lipetsk – the reason was the same as in Kuibyshev, that is, a break in the heating main. At that time the frost there reaches -24 degrees. As a result, more than 70 apartment buildings were left without heating and hot water. yards Then the temperature in the houses reached a maximum of 12 degrees Celsius, and the batteries also burst. At this time, Vada offered blankets to the locals instead of solving the problem.
  • Note that then, due to the frost, a captain of the Russian Navy, 60-year-old Vladislav Ivashkevich, even froze in his apartment. His relatives said that the heat in the house disappeared on December 29. And they found him dead in early January.

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