Home » Lavrov is ready to become a witness at the International Tribunal: how to understand his strange SOS signals

Lavrov is ready to become a witness at the International Tribunal: how to understand his strange SOS signals

by alex

Sergey Lavrov is trying to remove himself from his position with unacceptable behavior/Getty Images

Many are surprised. No need to be surprised. Everything is logical. I am convinced that in this way Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov signals – “It's time!” It's time to evacuate him, he is ready to be a witness at the International Tribunal. It couldn't be more obvious.

Why is Lavrov making a fool of himself so openly

Mr. Lavrov, over the years of service, has secured a certain respect for himself among foreign partners as a professional. A thief, an assistant of thieves, but a professional.

The first bell “get me out of here” rang out at the moment when the Russian Foreign Ministry officially (!) leaked correspondence with French and German partners within the “Norman format” (remember this one? ).

This was the first obvious attempt to self-disqualify Lavrov from the chair of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. For Lavrov was valuable because he was spoken to in the West. If they don’t talk to him, there’s not much point in keeping him in office.

When Mr. Lavrov, according to rumors, to put it mildly, is not the purest Aryan by origin, begins to philosophize on ethnic topics is a continuation of the course of self-disqualification. Now any foreign minister and even the conditional Steinmeier will be ashamed to communicate with Lavrov without the need.

Soloviev surpassed the new Ribbentrop

Against this background, the propagandist Vladimir Solovyov looks the most stupid. As you remember, he accused the EU leadership of anti-Semitism and imitation of Hitler after the imposition of personal sanctions and the extraction of a villa on Lake Como. Like, have they completely lost their minds, to impose sanctions against a Jew?!

Lavrov and his department, accusing Israel of supporting “neo-Nazis”, clearly overcame the limits of reason. They can attribute everything to a state of passion, and they will be believed (in exchange for active remorse). And the propagandist Solovyov accused specific officials of Hitlerism, who would certainly be offended. In addition, according to Lavrov, the Jew Solovyov can be a bad person and subject to sanctions. that everyone has gone crazy and it's time to spray something soothing with the help of specially trained birds.

Because the Russians are already blowing up their ammunition depots, bridges and oil depots. Look, something really serious will blow up.

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