Home » Lavrov and other members of the Russian delegation received US visas to participate in the UN General Assembly, – media

Lavrov and other members of the Russian delegation received US visas to participate in the UN General Assembly, – media

by alex

The Russian delegation is likely to take part in the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. Russians received long-suffering US visas.

Russian news agencies report that the Russian delegation to the UN, including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, received American visas to participate in the General Assembly, writes Channel 24. Consequently, Russia will be represented at the UN General Assembly.

The Russians received visas at the last moment

It is reported that Russia is waiting for a prompt resolution of logistics issues for the arrival his delegation to the UN General Assembly.

The American publication Politico writes that American visas came to the Russians “at the last minute.” In particular, on Sunday, September 11, visas were still not issued.

The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Lavrov, said that the participation of all delegations should be ensured by the UN Secretary General.

I asked my colleagues not to remind the United States of this anymore … activities of the organization, including the General Assembly. Let's see, – said Putin's henchman.

What is known about the UN General Assembly

Note that the 77th session of the UN General Assembly kicked off at 15:00 New York time. Whether the Russian delegation led by Lavrov has already arrived there is still unknown.

It is known that the session of the General Assembly will last a year. It will talk about climate change, the fight against COVID-19 and international conflicts.

Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN Serhiy Kyslytsya tweeted that the war in Ukraine should end at this session. He called for Russia to be held accountable.

“Let's make the 77th UN General Assembly a session of the end of impunity and the renewal of respect for the UN Charter. The choice is yours, members of the UN!” Kislitsa wrote.

Lavrov and the Russian delegation requested 56 US visas

  • Russia requested 56 US visas so that Sergey Lavrov and his delegation could travel to New York. However, the United States was in no hurry to issue visas to representatives of the terrorist state.
  • Therefore, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasil Nebenzya has already written a letter to the Secretary General of the organization António Guterres about this. In the letter, Nebenzya stated that this was “alarming” and lamented that the United States does not issue visas to Russians.

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