Home » Large columns of military equipment marked with red squares were noticed in Belarus

Large columns of military equipment marked with red squares were noticed in Belarus

by alex

Large columns of military equipment were noticed in Belarus/Video screenshot

Several columns of military equipment were seen on the territory of Belarus. it was not possible to identify it – the cars are marked only with red squares.

For a long time, an attack on Ukraine from the territory of Belarus has been defined as unlikely. However, the Russians are actively using the territory of the neighboring country for their military purposes.

Columns of military equipment in Belarus

In Belarus, on the M1 and M10 highways in in the direction of Pinsk, a large convoy of military equipment was seen. In particular, the activists counted 16 armored personnel carriers, 18 MAZ trucks, 12 Ural trucks, 6 GAZ-66s and one van.

In addition, a large BRT convoy was noticed near the town of Zhitkovichi. Activists report that they were unable to identify vehicles because of the red squares painted on all vehicles. They consider several versions, for which the soldiers use the red square:

  1. hiding the side number of the vehicle;
  2. to distinguish equipment from Russian;
  3. order of the Russian army.

When soldiers see a camera, they ask them not to film it.

Military equipment in Belarus: video

Neighbor news in brief

  • Self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko does not know why the so-called “special operation” of Russians in Ukraine has dragged on for so long. He also said that he was not too immersed in events to somehow comment on the course of the war. Also, exercises began in Belarus, and Lukashenka said that “the West can sleep peacefully”, because Belarus is not a danger to anyone and is not going to attack anyone.
  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban opposes the 6th package of sanctions that the European Union intends to impose on Russia. He tries to justify the unwillingness to counter the aggressor with the economic consequences of his country. At the same time, all EU countries are actively looking for ways to replace Russian energy sources, while Hungary does not take any steps in this direction.
  • Russia cannot defeat Ukraine on its own and is asking the ODSK countries for help. They are intimidated and do not want to have anything to do with the invaders, so the Russians should not count on additional help.

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