Home » Kremlin media killers: how pseudo-experts work for the occupiers

Kremlin media killers: how pseudo-experts work for the occupiers

by alex

Russian propaganda creeps in from all the cracks/Photo from the archive of the site channel 24

The Russian Federation has a lot of fans even in the West. Among them are politicians, businessmen, ideological fans who have pro-Russianness “written on their foreheads.” But there is another very dangerous group – the so-called “experts” who have access to the media and pretend to be independent specialists, but in fact they act according to the “Kremlin manuals”.

Site 24 The channel will introduce you to some of Putin's famous pseudo-experts and tell you how they spread fakes and manipulated in the interests of Russia. p>Meet Tulsi Gabbard (USA)Politician, member of the Democratic Party. Major in the National Guard, veteran of the Iraq War.

Veteran American officers have often reached high peaks in politics. Let's mention at least the legendary Senator John McCain. Perhaps Gabbard could also take off. However…

After completing her military career, Tulsi rushed into politics and quickly gained considerable popularity. But in the mid-2010s, she suddenly stepped on fragile ice – she began to actively criticize the US participation in wars, which she called only “wars for regime change.” Of course, the appearance of pacifist sentiments in the former military is quite normal. But how can Gabbard's meeting (in January 2017) with one of the worst dictators in the world, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, be “connected” with them? Where is the logic? At the same time, Tulsi's “anti-call” was immediately spread by the leading Kremlin media, and later she personally began to comment on them.

Kremlin media killers: how pseudo-experts work for invaders

In fact, Russia “discovered” Gabbard long before 2020/Screenshot

Not surprisingly, Gabbard was accused of secret ties to Moscow. There was no direct evidence, but how about such an interesting moment: Donald Trump, who has repeatedly expressed sympathy for Putin, met with Gabbard after winning the presidential election. Some media claimed that he considered the ambitious politician as a contender for a high post in the Pentagon or the State Department, but after personal communication he changed his mind because of her too pro-Russian views.

Anti-Ukrainian defamation

About sympathies Gabbard can also speak to Russia by the fact that it has a very active anti-Ukrainian position and also sometimes makes reproaches against Poland.

On April 25, 2018, Gabbard, together with a group of congressmen, made accusations against Ukraine and Poland in anti-Semitism – allegedly these states and their governments“glorify the Nazis” and “deny the Holocaust”. This attack was so rude and unfounded that the Association of Jewish Public Organizations and Communities of Ukraine (VAAD) even had to make a special release to refute the accusations of Gabbard and company and call their statement “anti-Ukrainian defamation” used by Russian propaganda in the war against Ukraine.< /p>

To the tune of the Kremlin

On February 15, 2022, just over a week before Russia's treacherous attack, Gabbard gave a lengthy interview to Fox News in which accused US President Joe Biden of fueling the global crisis and anti-Russian rhetoric. Think about it, she said this when Russia was already fully preparing for the attack.

Here is her quote – word for word, like the speeches of Putin-Lavrov and their brethren:

If Ukraine becomes a member of NATO, then NATO and US troops will be right on the doorstep of Russia, which, as Putin has already explained, will hit Moscow’s national security interests. p>

“If they (the Biden administration and the military-industrial complex – approx. Channel 24) achieve that Russia invades Ukraine, then this will consolidate the current cold war, and the military-industrial complex will begin to receive much more profit than before, fighting against al-Qaeda. And who will pay the bills? The peoples of the USA, Ukraine and Russia”.

And the “zest” of Gabbard's interview:

We hear only one thing: “We must defend democracy in Ukraine.” But, as you know very well, the current president (of Ukraine – approx. Channel 24) oppresses the political opposition and twists its arms, imprisons oppositionists and closes TV channels that criticize him. Therefore, I find it hard to imagine that President Biden or anyone else could sincerely say that “we are defending democracy.”

This nonsense Gabbard – both a full interview and individual comments – was published by dozens of Russian media, and Russian TV literally savored her quotes, adding their own awkward comments. Gabbard did a great job at the Kremlin! -2df548f.jpg” alt=”Kremlin media killers: how pseudo-experts work for the occupiers” />

Gabbard's comments are shown on rush TV with pleasure/Screenshot

Lie at the cost of life

But her mission, of course, did not end there.

On March 14, when Ukraine was already under fire and bleeding from the invaders, Gabbard again appeared on the Fox News channel and told a lie about “dangerous biological weapons on the territory of Ukraine”. Again she said everything – word for word – as in the Kremlin media. And those so-called “media” – again replicated her nonsense.

And this despite the fact that on the eve of Gabbard's comment, the United States itself and key international organizations (for example, the UN Security Council) denied all accusations of the presence of a biological weapons.

US Senator Mitt Romney strongly commented on Gabbard's provocation on his Twitter:

Her traitorous lies may well cost someone their life.

David Payne: everything for Russia

Less popular than Gabbard, but no less cunning is another former American officer, now a pseudo-expertDavid Payne. For years, as if by the way, he praised Russia, and after its full-scale attack on Ukraine, he began to openly act on the side of the invaders. then Rospropaganda replicates:

  • The West must stop supplying weapons to Ukraine so as not to provoke Russia into even greater aggression.
  • Ukraine must give Crimea and Donbass to Russia in order to avoid World War III wars.

Disinformation instead of insider information

In addition, Payne lies that allegedly there are sources in the leadership of NATO who “leak” secret information to him. In fact, the ex-officer resorts to gross disinformation – one of his latest “pearls”: NATO is considering excluding Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from the alliance.

Scott Ritter: Secrets of a Pedophile Pseudo-Expert

Kremlin media killers: how pseudo-experts work for invaders

Scott Ritter (on the right) cheerfully comments on even the most terrible events/Screenshot

The true nature of the pro-Russian “Western experts” was revealed after the horrific tragedy in Bucha. It would seem that even here they would not dare to lie … But no!

Our next “hero” is Scott Ritter. In Russia, he is presented as a retired Marine Corps intelligence officer and former US Rapid Deployment Force analyst. And who is he really? More on this later…

Before the start of a full-scale war, Ritter brazenly stated that NATO bases were supposedly located on the territory of Ukraine. Then he praised the so-called “special operation” of Russia in Ukraine as a standard of military art and called the actions of the invaders “humane” because they “do not storm big cities and do not kill civilians.”

But the height of cynicism and mockery – his comments about Butch:

  • During their stay in the city, Russian soldiers had good relations with the local population.
  • The massacre of the inhabitants was arranged by the Ukrainian military – this is how they liquidated collaborators (traitors of the motherland who collaborated with the occupiers – approx. 24 channel).
  • The US President says this is a war crime committed by the Russians and Putin should be held accountable in The Hague. This is a propaganda war unlike anything we've seen before.

“Hu from Mr. Ritter”?

Kremlin mediakillers : how pseudo-experts work for the occupiers

Scott Ritter is taken to prison/Photo by AR

And now we will tell you in more detail who Ritter really is and why he is serves Russia so obsequiously.

Ritter is indeed an officer, but he was not an intelligence officer, but only a UN weapons inspector in Iraq (1991-1998). His military career was “put an end to” after being suspected of working for foreign intelligence. Scott married a certain Marina Khotiashvili, a former Soviet interpreter who was linked by the US intelligence services to the KGB. Ritter was fired and forced to testify before the US Senate. After those events, he immediately became an insane critic of the international policy of the United States and NATO, and later a sympathizer of the Kremlin.

There is another piquant episode in Ritter's biography. In 2009, Scott was accused … of corrupting minors, in 2011 the court found him guilty and sent him to prison. In 2014, the pedophile was released on parole. (Read more about this in The Insider article “Pro-Kremlin media refers to a “former UN inspector” who accused Ukraine of killings in Bucha. This is an RT columnist who served time for pedophilia“).

Francesca Donato: only lies about Ukraine

Kremlin media killers: how pseudo-experts work for occupiers

Francesca Donato does not tire of speaking for Russia/Screenshot

Less boldly than Ritter, but just as deceitfully, defends the occupiers after the events in Bucha Francesca Donato, MEP from the League party and political “expert” on TV.

Donato has long had pro-Russian views, which he frankly demonstrates during the voting in the European Parliament and in the comments for the media.

At one time she said that “the Ukrainian authorities have been shelling and killing thousands of civilians since 2014, but the West has not imposed a single sanction on Ukraine to force it to stop bombing Ukrainian civilians.” Kremlin-style classic:Ukrainians kill Ukrainians.

Now, when the whole world sees and understands who committed the crimes in Bucha and imposes new sanctions against the occupiers, Donato declares: “The version of the Kiev authorities raises serious doubts” – and votes against the sanctions.

Words and deeds of the pro-Russian politician even the Meta company was outraged, which blocked her facebook profile so that it would not spread lies and fakes there.

Gordon Gan: “neutrality” in favor of the invaders

Another iconic character among the Kremlin “experts” is a certain “American scientist” Gordon Gan.

He is presented by the media as a “neutral specialist”, at the same time – “for no one” and “against all”. But at the same time, Gan openly manipulates and pushes pro-Russian narratives:

  • The world must make concessions to Putin…
  • Ukrainian Nazis began to drop their masks under the pressure of the war…

How do you like this neutrality?

Independent expert? Check it out!

If you see an article or a comment from an independent Western expert, this does not mean that the material is really impartial, professional, and there are no fakes or manipulations. The above examples confirm this .

Russia has long and actively recruited and bought Western politicians, journalists, and scientists to work for its propaganda. Before you evaluate an article or a comment, even in the leading Western media, ask who the author is. And one more thing, friends – always think critically!

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