Home » Kotyatsky Drive, People's Avenger and StopRussia: how the cyberpolice takes care of the safety of Ukrainians

Kotyatsky Drive, People's Avenger and StopRussia: how the cyberpolice takes care of the safety of Ukrainians

by alex

Cyber ​​police created resources for the security of Ukrainians/Collage of Channel 24

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the Ukrainian cyber police have created a number of bots and applications for the safety of the population. In addition, thanks to them, everyone can join the fight against the invaders.

Cyber ​​police officers, together with volunteers, created a joint project “Mriya”, which combines a number of chats, telegram channels and one application. The goal of the project was to counter Russian aggression on the Internet, Channel 24 writes.

Every Ukrainian is a warrior on his front. Our front is informational, the cyber police emphasized.

StopRussia bot

Through this bot, you can join the blocking of pro-Russian resources in the telegram. To do this, go to the “Send a complaint” section. You will receive a random link and complaint text. They are constantly changing, so you can repeat these steps many times. We add that you yourself can report pro-Russian resources.

Note that in total, the community has collected the largest number of anti-Ukrainian resources and profiles – more than 50 thousand. Now they need to be blocked.

By the way, now there is a drawing of gifts among users. The condition of the draw is active work on blocking Russian resources, the more blocks, the faster the victory. Currently, the number of participants who took part in the drawing is already 174 thousand.

Kotyatsky Drive, People's Avenger and StopRussia: how the cyberpolice takes care of the safety of Ukrainians

StopRussia bot/Screenshot

The StopRussia information telegram channel daily provides online tasks for subscribers, publishes current news, as well as training materials on cybersecurity.

Bot “People's Avenger”

This bot is especially important for residents of the temporarily occupied territories. After all, through it you can send information about the movement of Russian equipment, enemy soldiers and marauders. In addition, you can report unexploded ordnance found. Your messages will be processed by the bot moderators and transferred to the National Police.

Therefore, thanks to the “People's Avenger” you can fight not only informationally, but also physically. After all, you are helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine to neutralize the enemy.

By the way, a category about video surveillance cameras in places where the invaders are located was recently added to the bot.

Kotyatsky Drive, the People's Avenger and StopRussia: how the cyberpolice takes care of the safety of Ukrainians

The People's Avenger Bot/Screenshot

MRIYA Automatic Service

This is a free automated service to combat Russian propaganda. It runs in the cloud and does not use a browser.

Cat Drive game

And now to the most interesting. The cyber cops realized that people needed to take their minds off the news and tasks in the cyber world. So they developed the charity game “Kotyatsky Drive”. In it you can feel like a military man and liberate the Ukrainian land from invaders.

It is interesting that virtual battles take place at well-known locations – in Chernobaevka, Gostomel and on the cruiser Moskva. The game can be downloaded for free on Google Play and PC. In addition, you can support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because the money for the purchase of unique game assets goes to the needs of the army.

Kotyatsky Drive, People's Avenger and StopRussia: how the cyber police take care of the safety of Ukrainians

Play the game “Kotyatsky Drive” and help the Armed Forces of Ukraine/Cyber ​​Police Photo

Kotyatsky Drive, People's Avenger and StopRussia: how the cyberpolice takes care of the safety of Ukrainians

QR-code for downloading the game/Photo of cybercops

Cybercops won't stop

In a commentary on Channel 24, cybercops said that a huge number of Ukrainians use boots and apps. Therefore, specialists will continue active work in the information fight against the aggressor. Stopping is not the time.

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