Home » Klitschko showed a large fragment of a rocket found after hitting the center of Kyiv

Klitschko showed a large fragment of a rocket found after hitting the center of Kyiv

by alex

On October 10, the Russians massively shelled Ukraine, in particular Kyiv. The mayor of the capital, Vitali Klitschko, showed a fragment of a rocket of the invaders.

The enemy launched several rockets at once at morning Kyiv. As a result of the attack, fires started, and civilians were killed and injured.

Klitschko showed a photo of a fragment of the occupiers’ rocket

The mayor of Kyiv said that in In the center of the capital, during the aftermath of a morning missile attack, public utilities discovered a large piece of a Russian missile.

Russian killers must remember: Ukrainians know how to thank. Evil will be punished, of course! – stressed Klitschko.

A fragment of a Russian missile/Photo by Vitali Klitschko

Massive rocket attacks on October 10: the main thing

  • In the morning On October 10, Russian troops massively shelled Ukrainian cities. In just one morning, the enemy fired more than 80 missiles, most of which were destroyed by air defense forces.
  • Russian invaders hit Ukrainian cities with high-precision land, sea and air-based cruise missiles, including Kh-101 and Kh-555 . They attacked Ukraine from the Black Sea and the Caspian region.
  • As a result of rocket attacks, 11 important infrastructure facilities were damaged. We are talking about 8 regions and Kyiv. Part of the regions was de-energized.
  • A massive missile attack by Russian terrorists claimed the lives of more than ten people. About 60 others were injured.

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