Home » Klitschko recalled that during wartime, parking in Kyiv is free

Klitschko recalled that during wartime, parking in Kyiv is free

by alex

Parking in Kyiv is free during wartime/Vechirniy Kyiv

< strong _ngcontent-sc83="">Despite the request of Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko not to rush to return to the capital, many Kyivans still went to their homes.

Klitschko decided to once again remind everyone that during the period of martial law, car parking on the streets of the capital is free.

Do not believe and do not pay scammers who have stepped up to take advantage of the situation. If you are required to pay money for parking, call the police,” the mayor said.

He also asked drivers who park cars on the streets to be careful and not leave cars in the wrong places and on public transport lanes.


Klitschko explained that cars that will interfere with the passage of vehicles will be picked up by tow trucks. After all, the roads must be freed for the unhindered passage of public transport, vehicles with humanitarian aid, ambulances and military equipment.

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