Home » Keeping away from the front: British intelligence about the appearance of a new Russian A-50 aircraft instead of the downed one

Keeping away from the front: British intelligence about the appearance of a new Russian A-50 aircraft instead of the downed one

by alex

The Russian Federation launched a new A-50 long-range radar detection and control aircraft to replace the downed one.

This is reported by UK Ministry of Defense.

However, intelligence officers say that “the new plane is much further from the front line, which confirms the success of Ukraine”.

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The report notes that it was previously reported that on January 14, the Russian A-50 aircraft “almost certainly” exploded and subsequently fell into the Sea of ​​Azov.

The Department of Defense notes that the A-50 is a “key tool” for Russian operations over Ukraine, “providing advance warning of airborne threats, as well as command and control functions”.

According to British intelligence, on January 17, the Russian Air Force apparently “began to operate another A-50, but this time over land in Russian territory in the Krasnodar region , further east from Ukraine”.

— This activity indicates a decrease in risk appetite for aircraft and an attempt to preserve the A-50, which remained with the loss of its overall effectiveness over Ukraine, — the message says.

Despite the absence of an official Russian position regarding the loss of the A-50, this activity likely “demonstrates Russia's tacit recognition of the successful operation carried out by the Ukrainians against an expensive airborne asset”, the Ministry of Defense notes Great Britain. If the loss of the A-50 “occurred by accident, such a decision would hardly be needed”.

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