Home » January records were broken precisely in 2023: where and what high temperature was recorded in Ukraine

January records were broken precisely in 2023: where and what high temperature was recorded in Ukraine

by alex

In January, weather forecasters recorded temperature records at more than a hundred weather stations in Ukraine. It is interesting that these were the highest figures in the history of instrumental observations.

This was stated in an exclusive interview with Channel 24 by Ukrhydrometcentre weather forecaster Natalia Ptukha. Where exactly was the highest temperature? daily, and sometimes even the average daily temperature.

These were the highest figures in the history of meteorological instrumental observations. In particular, for Kyiv we are talking about 143, and for other weather stations in Ukraine – about 100 years.

It is noteworthy that the national record of Ukraine for this month has also been updated. Note that the highest temperature was in the Crimea.

In Dzhankoy, the air at Epiphany warmed up to +21.1 degrees, Ptukha noted.

Forecaster summed up that the January records were broken exactly in this year, 2023. By the way, what will the weather be like on the last day of this month, we tell here.

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