Home » It would be a huge gift to Ukraine – Zhdanov on the declaration of a state of war by Russia

It would be a huge gift to Ukraine – Zhdanov on the declaration of a state of war by Russia

by alex

It would be a huge gift to Ukraine, – Zhdanov on the declaration of a state of war by Russia/Channel 24 collage

Announcing the state of war by Russia would play in favor of Ukraine. In this case, all the international mechanisms of the security system laid down in the UN will automatically work.

First of all, we are talking about sectoral sanctions against the aggressor country. Military expert Oleg Zhdanov told Channel 24 about this.

Russia will be forced to be recognized as an aggressor country

If Russia officially declared war on us, it would be a huge gift to Ukraine,” Zhdanov believes.

The fact is that the country that declared war is threatened by:

  • withdrawal of the veto;
  • exclusion from the UN Security Council;
  • UN-wide sectoral sanctions.

Military expert explained: if Russia declares war on us, the UN will no longer be able to manipulate concepts and will be forced to recognize Russia as an aggressor country.

“Then all mechanisms will be applied automatically. Any agreements with Russia will be terminated and there can be no new ones,” Zhdanov added.

Mobilization in Russia: latest news

  • Rumored walking around the Kremlin, Putin is considering a general mobilization. Russian opposition politician Gennady Gudkov noted that he could hypothetically call up 300,000 people. “But I'm not sure if there will be enough weapons for everyone,” he said.
  • Russian invaders continue to terrorize Ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbass. Yes, the man just went out for bread, but instead he ended up in the battles near Izyum.
  • For the time being, the head of the Kremlin does not dare to announce a nationwide mobilization. So in Russia they are carrying out alternative mobilization. The authorities of the aggressor country are agitating people in the poorest regions and recruiting so-called volunteers to participate in the war against Ukraine.

It is also interesting – Putin is in big trouble – Yakovenko: watch the video

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