Home » It will not be possible to fix it quickly: Danilov said that the A-50 aircraft in Machulishchi was seriously damaged

It will not be possible to fix it quickly: Danilov said that the A-50 aircraft in Machulishchi was seriously damaged

by alex

The day before, Lukashenka acknowledged the damage to the AWACS aircraft A-50 in Machulishchi. He boasted that the aircraft would soon be repaired. But Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Alexei Danilov does not agree with this.

During the telethon, he noted that the occupiers would not be able to quickly repair the Russian reconnaissance aircraft, Channel 24 reports. According to him, the AWACS A-50 will be prevented from restoring to its previous state, in particular by the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus.

Aircraft seriously damaged

The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council noted that the Russian AWACS aircraft A-50 was seriously damaged. He also stressed that the aircraft is currently out of service. Note that earlier experts suggested why this aircraft was transported to Russia at an unusually low altitude. This was explained by the prevention of depressurization of the cabin.

In Machulishchi, a “thing” happened with a Russian plane that aimed missiles at our cities. Thanks to this plane, they killed our children and women, attacked the civilian population. Belarusian partisans, according to our information, damaged this plane quite powerfully. Today it is not in good condition,” Danilov emphasized.

He also objected to Lukashenka's statement that the aircraft could be repaired very quickly. The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council reminded that Russia and Belarus are under sanctions. So this process can take the enemy a lot of time.

As for Lukashenka's reaction itself, he considers it inadequate. Those reproaches that he made towards President Volodymyr Zelensky are absolutely incorrect. At the same time, Danilov noted that recently the behavior of the dictator from Belarus “begins to surprise a little.”

Danilov added that we will observe how events unfold. He stressed that Ukraine is ready for any development of events. And he noted that today it is only a matter of time, “when will our victory be.”

What were Lukashenka's inventions

  • He assured that the plane “did not receive any significant damage.” Like, scratches and one hole in the case. But this, the dictator argued, did not at all prevent the aircraft from “performing its duties.”
  • So it does not interfere that the plane was sent to the airfield in Taganrog. Moreover, a similar aircraft was not transferred from Russia to Belarus.
  • At the same time, he began to insult Volodymyr Zelensky. The self-proclaimed president called the head of our state a “nit”, and also noted that such operations do not take place without agreement.
  • Let's go back to Danilov's words. He stressed that Belarusian partisans were engaged in the AWACS aircraft. It was they who, with the help of drones, disabled the Russian A-50 aircraft.

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