Home » It Will Be Even Worse: Why Russian Aviation Is Increasingly Breaking Down

It Will Be Even Worse: Why Russian Aviation Is Increasingly Breaking Down

by alex

It will get even worse: why Russian aviation is increasingly breaking down Alexandra Sadovaya

In Russia, planes are crashing more and more often. In particular, aircraft that depend on Western components. This mainly concerns Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

Also, such losses of Russian aircraft are caused by a decrease in the quality of maintenance and control over aviation in the aggressor country. Aviation expert Bogdan Dolince explained this to Kanal 24.

There are two important components

Bogdan Dolince noted that there are two important components. First of all, since 2022, the statistics of failures in the operation of these aircraft in Russia has been increasing. The number of such incidents will increase. This is affected by unlicensed maintenance and the use of so-called “aviation cannibalism”. This is a consequence of Western sanctions against the aggressor country.

Also, since 2014, the Russians have not carried out maintenance and supervision of all aircraft that were manufactured by Ukraine. Therefore, they came up with their own body, called the Interstate Aviation Committee, which took on the functions of a coordinator to grant the right to certain Russian companies to carry out such supervision of equipment previously manufactured in the territory of the Soviet Union.

The consequence is the degradation of this equipment and a decline in the quality of control. And it also demonstrates corruption inside Russia, where any approvals, documents can be bought for money.

Without the supervision of the manufacturer, any extensions of service life, repairs or admission of any specialists who have not undergone the appropriate training and admission from the manufacturer, leads to the fact that the equipment degrades, is repaired incorrectly. Therefore, it falls, air crashes occur, in particular, with human casualties, – the aviation expert explained.

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