Home » It was as if I saw a ray – my steadfast son – the mother of Alexander Matsievsky

It was as if I saw a ray – my steadfast son – the mother of Alexander Matsievsky

by alex

The Russian military brutally shot our soldier for only one slogan “Glory to Ukraine!”. On the published footage Paraska Demchuk recognized her son Oleksandr Matsiyevsky.

The woman shared her memories of her son and told his story.

Pay attention The invaders boldly and brutally shot the Ukrainian captive: everything that is known about the tragedy

History of the Ukrainian Hero Oleksandr Matsiyevsky

Alexander Matsievsky was only 42 years old. Previously, he worked as an electrician in Kyiv. After February 24, Alexander volunteered for the territorial defense of Nizhyn.

In the spring, the warrior defended the Chernihiv region as part of the 119 brigade of the Troop Forces. At the end of 2022, the unit carried out tasks in the Donetsk region. However, while holding positions at Soledar, the defender did not tell his mother.

“He never liked us to say goodbye. When he walked, they knew they were coming, and he returned, crossed himself, crossed the house and himself, said goodbye to me. He said:” Mommy, you are so old. “And I said, that my son has such a time that I'm worried, and he: “Mom, thank you for life,” recalls the mother of the Hero.

Mother of the Hero Paraska Demchuk / “Public”

On December 29, Alexander called his mother. This was the last conversation.

“Mommy, take care of yourself! Take care of yourself!” And that's it. And I cried so much and said: “Son, you most importantly take care of yourself!” I seemed to feel, and said that you save yourself for me. I will survive, and you save yourself for me,” says the woman.

Pani Paraska with her son Alexander / “Public”

On December 30, Alexander and four of his brothers from whom none returned. It was a shooting battle near Soledar, the unit commander said.

“Even at night he repeated “Glory to Ukraine!”

The circumstances of the soldier's death were not known until March 6. On that day, a video of the execution of a Ukrainian soldier by Russians appeared on social networks after the words: “Glory to Ukraine!”

“I didn’t sleep at night, it seems to me. But some kind of lightness appeared and some kind of ray that I saw how my son died. And it’s so hard, but I really, as if I saw the character of my son, so persistent, indestructible, because he said: “Mom, I will never surrender.” He even repeated this at night: “Glory to Ukraine.” He was so fighting, so brave and fearless that I can’t tell you, – shared the mother of the Hero .

The woman noted that she found strength in herself, watched the video and compared. “When I was at the identification of the body, two holes were pierced from the shoulder in the heart, two holes were pierced from the second shoulder, a hole was punched in the right side, and the head was failed. There was no face, there was only this eyebrow and he even had a sticker there. His chest, I recognized his figure, I recognized his hands,” Paraska added.

During the exchange, Oleksandr Matsiyevsky's body was returned to Ukraine. The certificate of cause of death states that the soldier died from a wound as a result of a firearm. The Hero was buried on February 14 in Nizhyn.

Channel 24 offers sincere condolences to the families and friends of the Ukrainian soldier. Eternal memory and glory to the Hero!

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