Home » It is strange that business cards were not found – the GUR responded to accusations of undermining the Crimean bridge

It is strange that business cards were not found – the GUR responded to accusations of undermining the Crimean bridge

by alex

A fire broke out on the Crimean Bridge on October 8th. Almost immediately, the Russians not only established the cause, but also found the perpetrators. Why the main version is a farce and how the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense reacted to it.

In a powerful fire that broke out on the Crimean bridge, the FSB hastily “found the guilty”. It is clear that they devoted all their attention to the version with explosives planted in the truck. However, it raises even more questions. Channel 24 will walk through them.

Who has already been accused of the FSB

Let's start small. The FSB of Russia with lightning speed reported on the success in the investigation of the explosion on the Crimean bridge. Moreover, 8 people have already been arrested. It was no secret to anyone that according to the Russians, the main organizer was the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region, as well as its head Kirill Budanov.

We continue to study the data voiced by the FSB in more detail. So, among the same eight detainees, five are citizens of Russia, and three more are citizens of Ukraine and Armenia. They, according to the department, were preparing an explosion on the Crimean bridge.

And now further. Somehow it was necessary to argue all this sur. Here in Russia they could. Well, as they could, as they could, they argued. Like, a truck stuffed with explosives went almost on a cruise. The explosive devices themselves, according to the FSB, were generously wrapped in rolls with plastic wrap.

So, the truck allegedly left the port in Odessa for the Bulgarian Ruse. It should be noted that earlier the occupants tried in every possible way to convince the whole world that instead of grain, Ukraine exports weapons. The one that our international partners give us. It is clear that from Bulgaria the cargo went to the port of Pota, in Georgia, and from there to Armenia. And its final point was the Crimean bridge.

What is wrong with the version of the explosion on the Crimean bridge

And now let's move on to something more interesting. It should be reminded that the FSB detained 8 participants in the terrorist act, and, as the Russians are convinced, there were 12 of them in total. According to InformNapalm, the citizens of Ukraine and Armenia were attributed to this sample for a reason. It was necessary to at least somehow whiten the reputation of its own population.

And then you might think that the Russians just took and sold themselves for a conditional pack of sugar or two sheep, or what do they give them now for the mobilized? And the direct accusation of Budanov of organizing a terrorist attack is another desire to use Putin's favorite line: “You're a fool”.

But this is not the end. The network also posted an X-ray of the truck. So, why is it that the same explosives are not visible on it, but only rolls of polyethylene? But because there were no explosive devices in the car.

X-ray of a truck that was allegedly filled with explosives/NEXTA photo

Moreover, on video you can see that it was not the truck that caused the explosion. At the same time, if you pay attention, he fell into his light. At the same time, another question arises: the truck exploded in front, what is wrong with two road spans that fell into the water in completely different places?

Let's go back to the truck itself. If we compare the x-ray, as well as the video with the search of the car, we immediately find one difference. The car “stuffed with explosives” has one axle less, but not in the vehicle in the video. And again, something among the Russians crumbles with versions.

One of the axles of the truck disappeared during the x-ray: video

While we were trying to figure out what was wrong with the versions of the FSB, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense has already reacted to Budanov's accusations.

What do the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense think about the farce staged by the FSB

In the Main Intelligence Directorate, they were traditionally laconic and restrained. Andrey Yusov, a representative of the press service of the department, shared his opinion about the circus that the FSB hastily arranged.

All the activities of the FSB and the Investigative Committee are nonsense. These are fake structures that serve the Putin regime, so we will definitely not comment on their regular statements. he emphasized.

At the same time, he ironically added that I am extremely surprised by the absence of any business cards, that FSB officers could find near the Crimean bridge. Thus, he made a reference to Yarosh's business card, which made a lot of noise among Russians in April 2014.

What is known about the explosion on the Crimean bridge

  • On the morning of October 8, information was received about the “clap” in the area of ​​the Crimean bridge.
  • It soon became known that a fuel tank caught fire on the railway lane.
  • Later, videos from the object itself appeared on the network, indicating that that the fire alone was not enough.
  • At the same time, versions about the explosions of the bridge appeared. But no one could exactly explain their sources.
  • After that, the occupiers very quickly came up with a version about the explosion of the truck and began to look for the “guilty”.
  • The network does not exclude that massive missile strikes, inflicted by Russia during October 10-11 are connected precisely with the Crimean bridge. But a number of experts say that the enemy was preparing for this attack in advance.

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