Home » It is necessary to mobilize 10 thousand from each region: a frank conversation with a major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

It is necessary to mobilize 10 thousand from each region: a frank conversation with a major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

by alex

In Ukraine they continue to work on bill No. 10449 on mobilization. However, while it is being accepted, precious time is wasted, because during this period Russians study.

More about this in Major Egor Checherinda of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said in a conversation with Channel 24, noting that now we can call up 10 thousand people from each region. Read more about mobilization and fires in Russia. name=”These operations will definitely help the ZSU at zero”>These operations in the rear will greatly help the Armed Forces of Ukraine at “zero”

There was an arson on the territory of the Mig plant in Moscow. Representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region Andrey Yusov said that in Russia there is a degradation of the military-industrial complex, administration, and infrastructure in general, and one should not exclude the consequences of a fierce struggle or local resistance forces, or friends of Ukraine who work deep in the rear. What should we understand about these friends of Ukraine, and how much their work will be more and more large-scale and delicate?

I can’t help but remember another important event that happened literally on February 8, and became known about it a little later. According to information from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense – leaders, official representatives, there was interference in the software that the Russian army uses to reprogram Mavic – Chinese drones that are used directly on the line of fire, on the front line.

These enemy servers have stopped working. All the software failed and for a long time the Russians could not use these drones along the entire front line.

Of course, this did not happen for very long, but At the moment, as Andrey Yusov and Evgeny Erin say, these Ukrainian hacker attacks on the software that Russians use when using Mavic and other drones will continue. After all, carrying out such operations can make it easier for Ukrainian soldiers to carry out certain tasks in the combat zone.

Let's hope that Ukrainian soldiers will be able to put this software system not only for Mavic, but also for other Russian drones, such as Lancets and other FPV drones. This is a very promising direction, and I wish the Ukrainian Defense Forces maximum success in their work in this direction.

< p dir="ltr">In addition to the Mig plant, an oil refinery was on fire in Moscow. The Russians say it was supposedly a planned gas release. Who's that playing with matches?

Classic cotton. I also monitored the Russian media today (February 13 – Channel 24), and local residents who witnessed it said that they heard several explosions. This is the first time I’ve heard that it is possible to make some kind of planned gas emissions in the city’s networks, connected with explosions.

The Mig plant was on fire in Moscow: watch the video

Gas explodes only when it meets some kind of then an ignition source, that is, an open fire. If you simply release this gas, it will simply go into the air and dissolve in it without any explosions. If an explosion occurred there, then this gas met with an open flame – with a certain lighter, or with some kind of fire.

Assuming that this particular explosion occurred due to a meeting with fire, this may indicate that it was planned and occurred as a result of the activities of either a certain sabotage group, or the arrival of an unknown or known Ukrainian drone, or met with some other surprise on on your way.

But it is interesting that there is very little information in the Russian media about these fires and explosions on the territory of Moscow. Do you know what they are discussing there today? I’ll add a little spice to our discussion. The main discussion is that Philip Kirkorov came to the Ukrainian temporarily occupied Gorlovka and sang a song there in front of the so-called soldiers of the so-called “svo”.

Moreover There is a video only shot vertically on one phone. It went viral on Tiktok, where Kirkorov is singing, and some unknown silhouettes of people are sitting behind him: either warriors or not. It seems that women and children are sitting there. Why are they in a military hospital? It’s not clear. It seems that some fighters are sitting, but the most important thing is not even that.

The main thing is what song he sings in this video, which is distributed by the Russian media. They note that Philip Kirkorov sang his own song “Snow” in front of the so-called “svo” fighters. Although in fact it is generally known that the author of this song is People’s Artist of Ukraine Irina Bilyk, who is now conducting tours in support of the Ukrainian army.

I think now Kirkorov problems will arise. He was sent to Gorlovka to atone for his antics during the “naked party.” So now FSB representatives should have questions about what kind of repertoire he performs there in front of the so-called “svo” fighters? He sings songs of a Ukrainian people’s artist who supports Ukrainian soldiers and raises funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And isn’t Kirkorov himself collecting these funds?

Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, has already stood up for him. She says that he supposedly always supported Russian soldiers, he’s great. In turn, Russian actress Yana Poplavskaya said, “Donbass is not a laundry where dirty pants are washed.”

I think that this story will happen again continue. The discussion is very lively. All of Russia was divided into 2 camps – to forgive or not to forgive Kirkorov. And the fact that in Moscow there are bombings, explosions and a plant on fire that produces combat aircraft is somehow not in the context of their lives for Russians.

Russian Field, a sociological group based in Tver, periodically conducts panel surveys in Russia regarding what Russians are worried about in general right now. It’s interesting, for example, if I’m not mistaken, 62% of Russians do not discuss at all in conversations with their friends, neighbors and ordinary Russians the upcoming elections in Russia, which will take place literally on March 15 – 17.

There is also an interesting answer to the question: “if it were possible to go back in time and cancel the decision to start the so-called “own”… And you know what they said?

  • definitely would not cancel – 36%;< /li>
  • would most likely not cancel – 17%;
  • would definitely cancel – 22 %;
  • would rather cancel – 15%.

That is, 37% would “definitely” or “most likely” cancel this decision.

And also important sociology. There was a question: “what do you think should be the first thing the president elected in the March 2024 elections?” should accept. It was an open question:

  • 26.4%, this is the first main answer – to complete the so-called “yours”, establish peace;
  • 9.9%, second place by a wide margin – ensure an increase in income and standard of living;
  • 8.2% – change the government, officials, political changes;
  • 3, 2% – restore the economy.

That is, despite the fact that the majority does not want to return the decision that was actually made 2 years ago, a quarter (of respondents voted – Channel 24) for the supposedly first main task for the president – to complete the so-called “his” and establish peace. < /p>

Vladimir Putin/Screenshot from video

Sociology in Russia is very conventional, no matter who conducts it, we must understand this, because many are afraid. Moreover, they want to return various restrictions again and ban independent media, even if they return.

By the way, about the media and restrictions. There was another question: “Which of the listed ideas best expresses your personal dream about the future of Russia?”:

    < li role="presentation">social justice – 81%;
  • Russia must become a great power – 76%;
  • human rights, democracy, freedom and personal expression – 73%.

I understand that Russians have their own vision and understanding of human rights, democracy, freedom, self-expression, but it remains. So, perhaps, not all is lost.

Interestingly, this list also contains the answer – “Russia is first of all for Russians.” Do you know how many percent gave this answer ? 27%! Every third Russian believes that “Russia is for Russians.” I wonder what the Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens, Dagestanis and others should do if there are more of them – 73%?

There is an answer – they are sent to slaughter. Putin began and continues to send migrants from the regions to the front. This is the answer, this is how they live and are purified.

Exactly yes, unfortunately. We help change their worldview. Still, the main request is for the completion of the so-called “our”, the end of the war.

But I still believe that this completion should not be on conditions The Kremlin, not on Putin’s terms, but on Ukraine’s terms. And this is access to our constitutional borders. Either now or as a result of diplomatic negotiations, but this is a prerequisite for ending the war.

For these 37% is also a moment of disappointment, because Putin will not end the war. Who are these 37%, do you think? Is this part of Boris Nadezhdin’s electorate, or part of the electorate of figures like Boris Nemtsov? Who is included in this number, where are they, and are they ready to change something, and not just show their desire ?

This sociology is also party sociology – who would they vote for? if there were party elections. I don’t know what the passing score is, but even the Yabloko party, if you remember Grigory Yavlinsky, scores, it seems, 5.5%. I don't know if this is a passing grade, but it's enough.

In general, there are some sane people who remember Russia, which was in the late 90s and which, as it seemed to us, was the locomotive of some kind of democratic transformations, which our “red directors” were sometimes afraid of. Boris Nemtsov and the Union of Right Forces are also remembered. They were all there, but Nemtsov was shot by the special services right under the Kremlin, Khakamada now works mainly with glossy magazines and gives pseudoscientific lectures, and Kiriyenko is now the deputy head of Putin’s administration and deals with the newly captured Ukrainian territories.

< p dir="ltr">How different, although supposedly everyone was part of the same political force. How different political life is: some are not, some are in Putin’s favor and are now actively promoting the “Russian world”.

But still, according to these surveys, a certain proportion of adequate people has remained. Their weight is 5% – 10%. Therefore, we must use this too.

Boris Nadezhnin still files claims with the Supreme Court court. Already submitted two, planning a third. Why?

I think that for him this is a bridge to further participation. He said even on the eve of his non-registration that there were supposedly many elections. There are elections to the Moscow Duma and in the Volgograd region. Like, there are a lot of places to run for.

For him, this is an opportunity to promote his own name and further create some kind of political force either in regional small elections or in future State Duma elections. This is his finest hour.

You know, I still insist that this is a man who happened to be in the right place at the right moment. And now he is negotiating with the Kremlin what he can get if he does not go further through the courts, or is loyal in the courts and does not accuse the Kremlin of violating human rights.

I think bidding is going on now. They will throw something at him, he will create some kind of “pocket” political force, like these “New People” and Vlad Davankov. He is actually the vice speaker of the State Duma, and all his achievements are that his uncle is a business partner of the owner of the Faberlic company.

< em>Dmitry Peskov said that Putin is not going to participate in the election debates. Like, he has such a schedule that he has no time, and in general he supposedly goes out to the people every day and the people of Russia listen to him.

Putin has so many doubles, or so they say, that these doubles could simply simultaneously travel to different cities of Russia and hold meetings with voters there. And no one would be surprised. Everyone would say that he was the only one, and otherwise he could talk to everyone.

I think that in fact Russians accept the fact that Putin has doubles, and this is correct, this is a state position. After all, one person cannot physically rule such a large country.

Therefore, I think that it would be a know-how to travel around all the regions in a month. If there are 5-6 of them (doubles – Channel 24), each one “spuds” its own region. And then, accordingly, he can become the curator of his region, if he has the appropriate trust.

As for the debates, it seems Putin has already held a debate with an American journalist.

Margarita Simonyan cried from Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson. Why did she do this?

We need to take this whole story seriously , because Russia is promoting its narratives in this way. We even laugh at the fact that Putin, confused about dates and testimony, handed Carlson a copy of Bogdan Khmelnitsky’s letters. But, believe me, most Americans do not know exactly who Bogdan Khmelnytsky was and that in 1654 there was a Cossack state.

We need to be more careful about promoting our historical narratives and disseminating historical facts about the history of our state. We need to lead a state ideology to disseminate our history, and explain to Europeans and Americans that Ukraine was not created by Lenin, but existed in the era of the Cossacks, that Ukraine is the heir of Kievan Rus, and not Russia. Putin had nothing to do with this, and Russians have more to do with the descendants of the Golden Horde than Kievan Rus. This needs to be explained.

Kievan Rus, then the Cossack state, the new Ukrainian state of the 20th century, the Central Rada, the Directory, the Hetmanate, which were destroyed by the Russian occupiers – Bolsheviks. These stories need to be shared in the world because 99% of Americans and Europeans don't know this. Not to mention the countries of Latin America or the so-called South, Asia, the Arab world.

Interview with Putin and Tucker Carlson/Screenshot from video

We pay very little attention to this. Relevant ministries, the state, funds, public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy – all this should be disseminated. After all, we laugh, and Putin justified Adolf Hitler that the Poles “themselves got too carried away” and “themselves forced” Hitler to attack them. They did not give Danzig (current Gdansk – Channel 24) to the Germans and the “corridor” to Koenigsberg. This causes me indignation, this is a justification for Nazism, these are obvious things, that the Poles are victims and are supposedly to blame for being attacked.

However Then I monitored the American and British media, and their materials made no mention of this episode at all. They didn't focus on it. The Poles reacted. There was a statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Polish government. Some British media wrote that “Putin promised not to attack Poland,” but did not mention this justification.

They now have a new term: in Ukraine – the so-called “our”, and then the “sending” of Russian troops to Poland. It was as if there wasn’t a war, but simply that the Russian military were put on a train, they went and got off in Warsaw. Putin says that if we are not attacked, then there will be no “sending” of troops to Poland. Hitler said the same thing on the eve of the annexation of the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, the Anschluss of Austria, and the attack on Poland.

The rhetoric is the same – if an aggressor with bloody teeth says that “he will not attack unless you do something,” this is evidence that that he is already preparing this attack, psychologically preparing and preparing everyone. Putin was not mentioned, nor was the acquittal of Hitler and the violent attack on Poland.

Of course, Putin's interview is funny, but he spreads his narratives and invests them into the heads of Europeans and Americans, as well as Latin America, the so-called South. We must spread ours, this is not yet the case, but we are working in this direction.

It seems that precisely because the Western media did not remember this moment, hidden risks and threats. Perhaps they do not want to completely “dehumanize” Putin and admit that he is a Nazi, a dictator like Hitler. Perhaps Putin is left with some slack and the opportunity to talk to him later, if anything. If there is ever talk of negotiations, then pretend that this did not happen. Why didn’t they mention this so actively?

Everyone has their own interests and their own historical memory. The United States was not attacked by Adolf Hitler and the war never took place on its territory. The Poles reacted immediately, because they remember it, because the Nazis came to them on one side, and the Red Army on the other. They were divided in half and lost their state. They have historical memory.

The British also remembered in a different context, because they supported Poland, from the very beginning to the very end they participated in the Second World War war. They “fit in” with the Poles, because they were their allies from the first day. Everyone else wants to live in the comfort of their present, and do not understand that the third world war has actually already begun. Now everyone chooses the place that he will occupy in it, and the role that he will play in it, and with those allies whom he now chooses.

No one wanted to quarrel with Adolf Hitler then, not even the British. But then the situation quickly changed, and everyone understood everything when they saw the brutal grin, jaws and fangs of Nazism.

If Ukraine is not supported now and given all the financial and military opportunities for complete victory, then everyone will be able to feel this “grace” from Putin’s “good intentions.” I hope that it will not come to this.

There is information that our political leadership intends to create a new body – the Ministry of Information and Propaganda. Perhaps this will be a joint body with the Ministry of Culture and Information. But informing and disseminating one’s own narratives must be done at the state, personal level, as well as at the level of public and cultural diplomacy.

When Ukrainians are attacked in Europe just because of the Ukrainian language or because of the Trident on their chevron, this indicates that the narratives of the Russians, that we are supposedly “nationalists”, “cannibals”, that “the boy in shorts was crucified in 2014″, they work and they reach Europeans.

And our narratives reach, but, unfortunately, not so powerfully, so we need to work on this work for all of us – journalists, military men, diplomats, cultural figures and politicians.

Here you can remember the phrase , to paraphrase it, if you don’t listen and trust your journalists, you will have to listen to other people’s propagandists. Because information war and weapons, especially within the framework of the hybrid war that Russia is waging against Ukraine and the entire civilized world, are no less powerful.

Let me note this: if you don’t trust your journalists, then you will trust Simonyan and Skabeeva. Also, if you don’t serve your own army now, then later you will serve in the army of the occupier. They will come and say, here’s your Russian passport, a machine gun, and let’s go on a “meat assault.”

Just like this Russian 155th brigade of marines, which is ridiculed, that after each defeat they are restored and again sent to the assault. No one asks anyone there, there is no discussion for three months, no discussions on what form to serve subpoenas, there is no such thing there at all. There, since September 21, 2022, mobilization has not stopped for a day.

My fellow military personnel and I are talking about the fact that Ukraine needs immediate mobilization – the previous commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzhny spoke about this on the eve of 2024. This was in mid-December 2023. It’s almost halfway through February, and our previous bill was returned; the new bill has only passed the first reading. It can be adopted and signed before the end of February, and then we still need to mobilize and train fighters.

We talk a lot about this, but time is being lost . Meanwhile, the Russians are studying, mobilizing, and over these two years the Russian army has become professional. It’s not idiots who are fighting on the other side of the front either, and we need to realize this and prepare for it.

They adapt to new challenges, change tactics during battles and assaults, in particular in the Avdeevsky direction. One of the commanders of the “Da Vinci Wolves” detachment says that we need to mobilize at least 250 thousand Ukrainians during this year. We will have time to do this?

Given the scale of our country, together with Crimea and Sevastopol we have 27 regions. Even if we cannot mobilize in Crimea and Sevastopol, even if we include the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, there are still 23 regions left. If you need 250 thousand, this means you need to mobilize 10 thousand from each region of Ukraine.

It is quite possible to mobilize such a number of people in a few months. We have a fairly large country and there are many patriotic people of military age.

However, unfortunately, we have lost the national patriotic narrative that a person must first of all protect his family, his city, his state. It is not fashionable for us now to be a defender, a military man, but it has become fashionable to be a draft dodger.

Every day, advice appears on social networks on how to behave at the Military Military Commission, in order not to go to serve in the army, how to swim across the Tisa on a mattress, how much you need to pay border guards, how much you need to pay for a certificate, and the like.

We do not have a national spirit of patriotism and the spirit of defending our Motherland, unfortunately. Of course, a significant part of the population – Ukrainian men, in Ukrainian families – has it. But there is no formed general narrative that evasion is an evil and a crime in war. As well as the understanding that those who left and illegally crossed the border, in fact – not de jure, but de facto – are criminals in relation to their state.

It is fashionable here to be a draft dodger, to go abroad and live on social benefits in the USA, Germany or the UK. Such men are not ashamed to post photographs and videos from their stay there.

Remember, there was such a sports journalist Roman Kademin, who worked for Levochkin, Firtash and Russian Channel One, which was a co-owner of the Ukrainian channel where that journalist reported news. Now he lives, it seems, in Germany and distributes a video on TikTok, and asks in it: “Why fight?.” He asks – “For the corruption that exists in Ukraine?”. We may have corruption, but we don’t have another country – we will fight corruption later, but now we must defend the honor of the country.

Kademin also talks about how he “doesn’t have a good time abroad,” saying, “Don’t envy us, it’s not easy for us here either.” In 2018, this draft dodger broadcast television from the FIFA World Cup, which took place in Russia – at that time it already occupied the Ukrainian Crimea and half of the Ukrainian Donbass. Now he “teaches” us that it is better not to fight. He says in his videos that “there is always a choice, it’s better to choose yourself,” that is, go abroad and be like me, and then you will decide what to do here abroad, where there are no missiles and Russian aggression.

Ukraine needs mobilization/Getty Images

Such calls do not occur without the participation of Russian special services, because the demoralization of society is the first task of the Russians in Ukraine. Demoralize the male population, the female population, so that men do not join the army, evade, so that women go abroad, and then they can take us with their bare hands.

However, I hope that we have enough intelligence and knowledge of history not to be fooled by these stories of traitors and draft dodgers. Ukrainian counterintelligence and special services should deal with such videos and the persons who distribute these videos.

It is also important to remember that after our victory, all this evil spirits will return here, because it’s really not easy for them there. We must remember by name who is now calling for evasion, leaving and surrendering Ukraine to the enemy so that he can take it with his black, bloody hands. However, this will not happen for sure.

I may have said it a little aggressively, but I want to emphasize that everything will be fine. Ukraine has every chance of winning.

I read Zaluzhny’s article, which was published at the end of December 2023. Now the new Commander-in-Chief, Alexander Syrsky, has arrived. I think that now the war will be waged using new modern methods. And we will wage a modern war of the 21st century with less direct contact, using various unmanned vehicles and technological pieces.

In his last interview, Kirill Budanov said, that the Russians are running out of steam, and in the spring it will be our move. We need to make the most of this.

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