Home » It is necessary to have dominance in the Black Sea, – Reznikov assessed the risks of the capture of Odessa by the occupiers

It is necessary to have dominance in the Black Sea, – Reznikov assessed the risks of the capture of Odessa by the occupiers

by alex

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Ukrainian defenders have deprived Russian invaders of dominance in the Black Sea. Therefore, now there is no risk of capturing Odessa and the region.

This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov during a press conference. Channel 24. According to him, on the left bank the situation is more tense in the territories of southern Ukraine.

Reznikov assessed the risks of capturing Odessa

As the minister said, in order for there to be a risk of capturing Odessa and the region as a whole, Russia needs to have dominance in the Black Sea.

But we deprived them of this opportunity. In particular, after the successful use of our Ukrainian Neptunes, when the cruiser Moskva sank at the well-known address. Plus, the Harpoon anti-ship systems are serving, so I don’t see any chance for them to approach Odessa from the sea,” Reznikov said.

In addition, the infidels failed to approach by land last time, and now, thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the invaders have been thrown back to the left bank of the Dnieper, which in itself, with destroyed bridges and crossings, is a powerful natural protective barrier.

“As for left-bank territories of southern Ukraine, where the enemy group has the opportunity to replenish with weapons, equipment, and people, so there, of course, the situation is more tense,” the Minister of Defense emphasized.

During a new attack over Odesa region, 4 Shahids were shot down

On February 10, the regional military administration of the region said that the Air Force managed to shoot down four Shahids. Thus, the head of the OVA Maxim Marchenko thanked the air defense units, which are always on guard of the Ukrainian sky and once again testified to their professionalism. by the sea near Odessa region. At the same time, 3 UAVs were eliminated over Mykolaiv region.

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