Home » “It is bearing fruit”: what role does Erdogan play in the “negotiations” between Ukraine and Russia

“It is bearing fruit”: what role does Erdogan play in the “negotiations” between Ukraine and Russia

by alex

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is increasingly taking on the role of a certain moderator between the West and Russia. He wants to make Turkey indispensable in this matter and get important “fruits”.

This Channel 24 was told by Oleksandr Krayev, an expert at the Ukrainian Prism Foreign Policy Council. According to him, on the one hand, the West needs Erdogan. This is the last NATO leader that Putin listens to and negotiates directly with him. For the same reason, the Russian dictator needs Erdogan.

The Turkish president is doing his best to make himself indispensable to both sides. This “game” has its advantages for Erdogan.

What is Turkey doing | With their proposals and activity, they are trying to make themselves indispensable to Putin and the West. Erdogan is trying to leave himself as the only point of contact. This brings its “fruits”, – said Kraev.

Such a need allows Erdogan to take a rather tough stance on Finland and Sweden joining NATO, to demand that the United States ease sanctions or supply Moscow with S-400 systems or the United States with F-16 aircraft. Turkey trades with both NATO and Russia in parallel.

“This is Turkish geopolitics. To remain intact for the reason that everyone needs you. As the only and unique player at the regional level and local level,” Kraev emphasized.

Can Ukraine win over China

China maintains an absolutely classic position in relation to the war in Ukraine. This is an absolute middle ground, but not complete neutrality. Beijing understands that it is unprofitable to fully support Russia, because it will be crushed by sanctions. In addition, the full support of the West means losing the latest Cold War.

Therefore, China does not make any statements that would sway it to one side. And he remains on a parity basis with Moscow, and with Washington, and with us. China remains China. He plays his completely unique game, Kraev believes.

In his opinion, the United States can persuade China to the side of Ukraine. For the time being, however, they keep him on this proactive neutrality. China and the US are in first place in terms of mutual exchange of goods – the number of goods sold to each other.

The second place for Beijing is the EU. Russia, on the other hand, is in 14th position, and will drop to 20th by the end of the year.

That is why the United States clearly emphasizes that the more you support Russia, the more you pay duties, and therefore the auction will decrease. Thus, the Americans put pressure on Chinese pragmatism. And this, as Kraev emphasizes, works.

Recall that recently, on October 7, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held regular telephone conversations with Russian dictator Putin. They discussed the latest developments regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war.

During the conversation, Erdogan stressed that he was ready to mediate between Ukraine and Russia. All in order to peacefully resolve the war. Despite this, the Turkish president has repeatedly noted that Crimea is Ukraine.

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