Home » It happened that for 2 days they fought for the 9-storey building, – Parasyuk about the battle for Severodonetsk

It happened that for 2 days they fought for the 9-storey building, – Parasyuk about the battle for Severodonetsk

by alex

Vladimir Parasyuk about the battles for Severodonetsk/Collage 24 channel

The situation in the East remains difficult and tense. In particular, fierce battles continue for Severodonetsk in the Luhansk region.

The current situation in this direction of the front of Channel 24 was told by the former People's Deputy, and now the military man defending Ukraine Volodymyr Parasyuk. According to him, the fight in Severodonetsk is literally meters away.

Ukrainian defenders are fighting for every house

Fighting is going on in meters of some streets, for some separate building. All this is happening under school fire from enemy artillery, contact battles – 20-25 meters with the enemy, – said Parasyuk.

He calls the situation in Severodonetsk extremely difficult. In addition, the Ukrainian military has recently lost the ability to enter the city because of the cities from Lysichansk, which greatly complicated the logistical aspects.

At the same time, the military man assures that our defenders are holding out and giving a confident rebuff to the enemy. What is happening now in Severodonetsk and the efforts by which the Ukrainian army repels attacks, and even advances in some directions, Parasyuk rightly calls a real feat.

The Defender of Ukraine explained that hostile artillery, which sometimes works continuously throughout the day. If not for her, Severodonetsk could have been fired pretty quickly.

“They are falling asleep with squares. Some car is leaving – they have already identified by squares, their drone is rising, watching the movement of our equipment. Not 1 – 2 shells are sent to this square, but 2 – 3 full charges of Grads. Everything is on fire there and blazes,” said Parasyuk.

It is in such conditions that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are standing, defending, evacuating and trying to counterattack and fight for meters of land. bookcase, because it had a certain strategic value.

Gaidai about the battles in Severodonetsk

Head of the Lugansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai also spoke about the battles in Severodonetsk. He confirmed that very heavy fighting was going on there. It is important for the Russians to capture the city, because in 2014, after the occupation of Lugansk, Severodonetsk became the regional center of the Luhansk region.

According to Gaidai, the infidels have long reported that they completely control the city. However, this is not true. The front line, and, accordingly, the delimitation of controlled territories very often shifts by 10-20 percent.

First of all, this is due to the fact that Severodonetsk is a small city, forming a square of 4 by 4 kilometers. Accordingly, by capturing or retreating just over one street, you can gain or lose 10 percent of control. Considering that fierce battles go behind each house, these indicators constantly move “left and right”.

Gaidai also spoke about the horrendous methods of the Russians in fighting for the city. According to the head of the OVA, they cannot advance in street battles. The only thing that helps them a lot is a lot of long-range artillery, from which they shoot houses and smash them to smithereens.

“If our defenders are fighting while in a house, and there are several more houses in front of it , then the Russians push 1-2 tanks and begin to shoot in a different way in front of those where our soldiers are located. And until they shoot through them and create a window for themselves, so that later they can shoot through the house where our soldiers hid, they don’t go. Thus, they completely destroy several houses from the face of the earth, and this is normal for them,” Serhiy Gaidai said.

He, like other experts and the military, noted that the Ukrainian defenders lack long-range artillery. As soon as they have enough of these weapons to push the enemy artillery to a distance from which it will be impossible to shell the city, our military will be much easier and in a few days they will completely take control of the city.

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