Home » It didn’t help much: what Hamas managed to do during the truce

It didn’t help much: what Hamas managed to do during the truce

by alex

Israel has resumed hostilities in the Gaza Strip / Collage 24 Channel, Getty Images

The truce between Israel and Hamas lasted 8 days, and now the fighting in the Gaza Strip has begun with renewed vigor. During the pause, Hamas returned some of the hostages taken on October 7.

Also, Hamas militants were likely given the opportunity to rebuild their strength and rearm. Retired Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces Mark Babot expressed his opinion to Channel 24 that Israel deliberately agreed to a truce and paid a high price for it.

How long can the fighting last?

The truce, which lasted 8 days, did not help Hamas much, because after a month of fighting, all chains of command and logistics were seriously disrupted. Also during this time, many Hamas field commanders were eliminated.

At the same time, the militants managed to bring food, water, and fuel. From a logistics point of view, they are secure in their underground bunkers, and this is not very good for Israel .

The Israeli military realized that they walked into this trap (truce – Channel 24) with their eyes open. For them, the most important thing is people, and therefore Israel paid a high price in a military sense, but received some of the hostages alive,” said a retired lieutenant colonel of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces.

Did Hamas manage to restore its pitchforks during the truce: watch the video

Hamas was the first to break the truce on its own initiative, starting to shell Israeli cities. After this, Israel announced an end to the truce on its part.

“The active phase of hostilities, first in the north of the Gaza Strip, and then in the south , will last up to 3 months . In the coming months, we must hope that the liquidation of battalion groups and fortified areas of Hamas will be completed. After the active phase of fighting between Israel and Hamas, the cleansing of the Strip will continue Gas from terrorists,” said Mark Babot.

The war between Hamas and Israel: important

  • The IDF resumed fighting in the Gaza Strip on December 1 after an 8-day truce. This happened after Hamas violated the ceasefire: at about 7 am, militants from the Gaza Strip fired a rocket at Israel, which was intercepted by air defense.
  • Earlier, on November 30, a terrorist attack occurred in Jerusalem. Two men opened fire on people at the bus stop. The attack killed 3 Israelis. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Let us recall that also on November 30, the sixth group of hostages, who were captured by Hamas on October 7, was handed over to Israel. Among those released, in particular, are Elena Trufanova and her mother Irena Tate. Another 137 hostages remain in Hamas captivity.

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