Home » ISW explained why Putin did not make any statements on the anniversary of a large-scale invasion of Ukraine

ISW explained why Putin did not make any statements on the anniversary of a large-scale invasion of Ukraine

by alex

Ukraine has been resisting full-scale Russian aggression for more than a year now. Interestingly, Putin did not make any statement on the anniversary of the Great War. Analysts explained what could have been the reason.

On February 21, Vladimir Putin spoke before the Federal Assembly. For almost two hours, he marinated those present and boasted of incomprehensible achievements. At the same time, on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion, the dictator did not make a single statement, and here's why.

No victories – no statements

The Institute for the Study of War explained why Putin could not comment on the anniversary of the great war. According to analysts, this is due to the fact that Russia has not achieved any of its stated goals. And since July 2022, it has not been able to capture new territories.

At the same For a while, Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Head of the Security Council of Russia, did not close his mouth. He, the authors of the report emphasize, made provocative statementsthat the aggressor country will win the war. Moreover, he reiterated that in order to achieve Russia's goals, it is vital “to push the threatening borders (of Russia – Channel 24) as far as possible, even if these are the borders of Poland.”

The Institute noted earlier that Medvedev is fulfilling a clear task Kremlin. He supports information campaigns aimed at Western military support for Ukraine. In addition, diverts attention with his statements from Russia's failures at the front

The statements of the Kremlin's chief alcoholic demonstrate that Russia continues to pursue its unrealistic maximalist goals. And this despite the fact that after a year of full-scale invasion, Moscow could not boast significant achievements to its population.

What bloggers think about silence

For example, the same Girkin called Medvedev's statements nonsense. He also complained that no one in the Kremlin mentioned the heavy losses suffered by Russia. The terrorist added that he had long predicted that the aggressor country entered into a protracted and exhausting war. And that it would be difficult to defeat a country supported from outside on the battlefield. Especially when using unmotivated Russian troops, a lack of civil society and massive brainwashing.

The Kremlin-linked military commissar was less blunt. He even thanked for the fact that, you see, the war shed light on some shortcomings. But he was also embarrassed at what cost Russia won insignificant victories in the war against our state. At the same time, he spread Moscow's false narrative aboutthe alleged need to stop Ukraine's “aggression” in the Donbass.

The Institute noted that the military commissar's statements were linked to unnamed officials close to the Kremlin. In the interview, they noted that Putin would seekto present a catastrophic defeat as a necessary learning experience.They say that Russia will use it to prepare for the upcoming NATO aggression against the aggressor country.

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