Home » ISW analyzes CIA chief's statements on Kremlin's nuclear threats

ISW analyzes CIA chief's statements on Kremlin's nuclear threats

by alex

ISW analyzed the statements of the CIA chief regarding the Kremlin's nuclear threats Diana Kwasniewska

What the CIA says about the threats voiced by the Kremlin/Collage 24 Channel (photos from Russian media and Wikipedia)

Analysts from the American Institute for the Study of War analyzed the statements of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Burns. He spoke about Russia's threats to use nuclear weapons.

William Burns said during a discussion with the head of the British Secret Intelligence Service Richard Moore that Vladimir Putin will continue to periodically threaten direct confrontation with the West, but these threats should not intimidate the West.

What ISW says about the CIA director's statements

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director William Burns has warned the West against worrying about formulaic Russian nuclear saber-rattling, which the ISW has long seen as part of the Kremlin's efforts to promote Western self-deterrence and influence key moments in the Western policy debate over support for Ukraine, analysts say.

William Burns said:

  • The Central Intelligence Agency has assessed that Russian forces are likely considering the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine in the fall of 2022,
  • he has been in contact with Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergei Naryshkin.

“The CIA's assessment of Russia's possible readiness to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine in the fall of 2022 was consistent with Russia's increased rhetoric regarding a nuclear standoff amid successful Ukrainian counteroffensive operations in the Kherson and Kharkiv regions. However, this rhetoric was more likely part of a routine information operation aimed at deterring Western security assistance to Ukraine than an indicator of Russia's readiness to use nuclear weapons,” ISW wrote.

They also noted that Russia has repeatedly referred to thinly veiled threats of a nuclear confrontation between Russia and the West during key moments in the West's political discussions about further military assistance to Ukraine.

Analysts at the American Institute for the Study of War noted that, for example, in the fall of 2022, in order to instill fear among decision makers.

“ISW continues to assess that Russia is unlikely to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine or anywhere else,” they noted. analysts.

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