Home » Istanbul to host a quadripartite meeting on grain exports with the participation of Ukraine and Russia

Istanbul to host a quadripartite meeting on grain exports with the participation of Ukraine and Russia

by alex

Istanbul to host a quadripartite meeting on grain exports from Ukraine/Channel 24 Collage

On Wednesday, July 13, a quadripartite meeting of delegations from Ukraine, Turkey, the UN and Russia will take place in Istanbul. It will discuss issues of grain exports from our state.

This was stated in a commentary on Channel 24 by the speaker of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Oleg Nikolenko. He noted that propagandists have already distorted information about the meeting and present it as negotiations between Russia and Turkey with the participation of Ukraine and the UN.

Ukraine is in favor of unblocking the export of grain

Oleg Nikolenko emphasized that our state is in favor of unblocking the export of blocked grain from Ukraine through the Black Sea. Therefore, our state thanks the UN for taking the initiative on this issue.

Ukraine advocates that the issue of unblocking Ukrainian grain be resolved under the auspices of the UN. In this context, we are grateful to Secretary General António Guterres for his active efforts to find a solution that ensures the security of the southern regions of our state,” Nikolenko stressed.

The representative of the Foreign Ministry explained that at the meeting in Istanbul, the topic of discussion would be sea corridors for grain exports . However, Ukraine's key position will be security guarantees.

Russia is stealing Ukrainian grain

In addition to the fact that the actions of the Russians in the Black Sea blocked Ukrainian ports and made it impossible to export grain, Russian occupiers are also stealing Ukrainian grain.

So on June 30, the Zhibek Joli ship set off from the temporarily occupied Berdyansk and took out the grain blocked in the port. Collaborators reported that they took out 7 tons of grain, but the real number is unknown. The next day, Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasily Bodnar said that a Russian ship with stolen grain had arrived in the Turkish port of Karasu.

On July 3, it became known that Turkish customs officers had detained a Russian ship. Vasily Bodnar said that the Turkish side is cooperating with Ukraine in deciding the future fate of the vessel. The next day, according to Bloomberg, Turkey launched an investigation into the origin of the grain, but after 2 days the ship was released.

However, on the evening of July 6, the Turkish side released a ship with stolen grain from its port. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry expressed outrage at this situation and called on Turkey to investigate and provide our state with an exhaustive response to this incident.

It is important that the first foreign ships arrived in Ukraine to export grain: watch the video

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