Home » Israel is losing the information war: how the situation in the Middle East is changing

Israel is losing the information war: how the situation in the Middle East is changing

by alex

The war between Hamas and Israel continues / Collage 24 Channel

Iran is using proxy forces to undermine the situation in Israel as much as possible. In particular, Hamas wants to inflict maximum damage on the country.

This opinion was expressed to Channel 24 by political scientist Igor Reiterovich, noting that for Iran, Israel is a strategic enemy. Therefore, Palestinian militants are used to destroy part of the Israeli Armed Forces and undermine the economy.

The world is changing its attitude towards Israel

It can already be stated that Iran has achieved certain goals, in particular, it has changed the opinion of some people regarding Israel. If the fighting in the Gaza Strip does not end, then it cannot be ruled out that even citizens of countries very distant from this conflict and who had a neutral position may change it. Hamas propaganda is effective.

The attitude towards Israel's actions and the information agenda around this war have changed. Apparently, Israel is slowly losing in the information war. In many countries of the world, public opinion is changing not in his direction,” noted Igor Reiterovich.

Moreover, Iran very closely monitors the technologies that Israel uses, the conduct of military operations, their tactics and strategy. Even the cameras that we see on Hamas uniforms are used to collect information and create an advantageous picture.

In addition, Iran received some domestic political success. After all, Israel will not soon be able to build normal relations and cooperation with individual countries in the region.

A political scientist told how public opinion has changed regarding the war between Hamas and Israel: watch the video

War between Hamas and Israel: latest news

  • Journalists for The Washington Post reported that Hamas planned to launch a broader offensive and reach the West Bank. To do this, the militants collected information from laborers from Gaza who came to Israel every day to work. Also, the terrorists who were eliminated were found with notepads with instructions to kill more people.
  • The Israel Defense Forces found an Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf at a Hamas base. It contained marks and bookmarks. It is known that Hitler destroyed the Jewish people in the 20th century. During World War II, between 5 and 6 million Jews died.
  • Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said that the militants no longer have the strength to stop the IDF. Hamas has lost control of Gaza and is now fleeing south. Civilians are looting Palestinian militant bases.

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