Home ยป Israel controls Al-Shifa hospital, tanks drove there – media

Israel controls Al-Shifa hospital, tanks drove there – media

by alex

Israel controls Al-Shifa Hospital / Collage 24 Channel

Israel has cordoned off and controls Al-Shifa Hospital. The IDF is convinced that underneath there are tunnels in which Hamas terrorists operate.

A journalist at the hospital says the Israeli military is going from room to room, floor to floor, interviewing everyone, both staff and patients. The Israeli military is accompanied by doctors and native Arabic speakers.

Why does Israel need Gaza's largest hospital?

On Wednesday, November 15, Israeli forces launched a raid on the Gaza Strip's largest hospital, Al-Shifa. Israel is confident that Hamas operates from tunnels under the huge complex. However, the militant group and the hospital management deny this claim.

Thousands of Palestinians are believed to be hiding in and around the hospital. However, at the same time, there are also patients there.

Doctors talk about a critical situation in the institution

The main hospital building has effectively ceased to function, with doctors working by candlelight and wrapping premature babies in foil to keep them alive – with some warnings the situation inside has become “catastrophic”. The general director of Gaza hospitals claims that the hospital now has about 40 incubators with babies and there is nowhere to evacuate them.

CNN and BBC cannot independently confirm the assessment of the situation and are sending sources on both sides. But earlier this week, photographs released by the hospital showed newborn babies being removed from incubators and placed next to each other on the same bed because of power shortages.

Egypt's Health Minister Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar said Tuesday that Egypt's Health Ministry is trying to coordinate the transfer of 36 newborn babies with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. According to him, ambulances equipped with portable ventilators are waiting for the babies at the border. However, doctors claim that Israel is blocking the evacuation.

And the Israel Defense Forces said it was trying to provide Al-Shifa Hospital with incubators and respirators for premature babies and children. On Wednesday, the IDF said the military had delivered incubators and medical supplies to the hospital.

By the way, Israel previously stated that the IDF had taken control of:

  • Hamas Parliament;
  • government militant complex;
  • police headquarters.
  • the so-called house of the governor of Gaza,
  • building of the engineering faculty of one of the universities in Gaza,
  • Hamas training complex.

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