Home » Is the border with Belarus reliably closed: the expert made a comparison with the Donbass

Is the border with Belarus reliably closed: the expert made a comparison with the Donbass

by alex

Russia is actively increasing its military grouping in Belarus. Now we are talking about about 10 thousand personnel. And any increase in troops in the region indicates preparations for some kind of movement.

Mostly “partially” mobilized Russians overturn in Belarus, whose training will soon begin at the training grounds. A military expert, reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Roman Svitan spoke about this on channel 24.

How tightly the Armed Forces of Ukraine guard the border with Belarus

According to the expert, Russia's mobilization system is not capable of independently training such a large number of people. At the same time, Ukrainian services are reacting to this increase in troops.

They warn no less about the increase in troops. You just need to understand the numbers a little and then it will be clear why this is all being done. That is, now about 10,000 mobilized Russians have entered Belarus,” said Roman Svitan.

He drew a parallel that about 10 thousand Wagner mercenaries are now advancing on Bakhmut, where the front line is 10 kilometers. At the same time, the length of the Ukrainian-Belarusian border is more than 1 thousand kilometers.

At the same time, Russians of such a number will suffer losses and cannot do anything on the outskirts of Bakhmut. Moreover, according to the expert, Ukrainian troops along the Belarusian border are dug in in much the same way as near Bakhmut.

The generals, who previously built defenses in the Donbass, are now engaged in building defenses on the border with Belarus. Therefore, 10 thousand Russians in Belarus do not constitute any military problem for us,” the military expert assures.

But, despite this, the Ukrainian command monitors all these movements and responds to them.

The mission of the Russians can be political

The reserve colonel also suggests that 10,000 Russian mobilized in Belarus may have a political rather than a military task . Moreover, he is convinced that the first attempt by the Russians to attack Kyiv was a political task.

It was impossible to attack Kyiv with such troops, but this task was carried out. Therefore, our government warns that there may be some kind of political task for reaching “contact” with Ukrainian troops, Roman Svitan said.

According to him, Belarusians can also be involved in this “contact” troops, and then the Belarusians themselves can be drawn into the war. That is why Ukraine warns Belarusians not to be drawn into such provocations.

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