Home » Iran may transfer ballistic missiles to Russia: an aviation expert explained why they are special

Iran may transfer ballistic missiles to Russia: an aviation expert explained why they are special

by alex

/ Collage 24 Channel

The White House expressed concern about the possible deepening of cooperation between Tehran and Moscow. At the same time, Iran has not delivered the short-range ballistic missiles that the Kremlin dreams of for more than a year.

Aviation expert Konstantin Krivolap told Channel 24 about this. He does not believe that there is complete mutual understanding between Iran and Russia.

What is known about Iranian missiles

The first rumors that a terrorist country could receive Iranian Fateh-110 missiles appeared back in October 2022, simultaneously with the provision of Shahed missiles to Moscow. However, a year has passed, and things have not yet come to the realization of these intentions.

What weapons could Iran transfer?

US National Security Council official John Kirby noted that Iran is considering providing Russia with Fateh-110 ballistic missiles and Ababil attack drones capable of hitting targets at distances of up to 350 and 100 km, respectively. Among other things, these weapons were captured by the Iranian media during a meeting between Sergei Shoigu and Iranian security forces in September 2023.

“Fateh-110 are nasty missiles. But it’s not entirely clear why Iran would transfer them,” Krivolap asked.

Only on October 18 did the UN Security Council sanctions against Iran on the supply of missile weapons expire. And in all likelihood, if new weapons are provided to Moscow, Tehran will fall under new sanctions.

What's wrong with Iranian-Russian relations?

Many observers see Iran and Russia as natural allies, capable of effectively collaborating on arms production. This is due to the fact that Russia has technologies that are valuable to Iran, while Iran knows how to produce its products in large quantities, which Russia is poorly able to do.

Konstantin Krivolap on Russia's possible acquisition of Iranian missiles: watch the video

However, even with the “flagship” project of building the Shahedov plant in Tatarstan, not everything is going smoothly. In particular, it was expected that the agreement would include Russia supplying Su-35 fighter jets to Iran, but there were no reports of this.

“(Between Tehran and Moscow – Channel 24) there are some contradictions. Now Russia is really accumulating resources, and perhaps Iranian missiles would not interfere with it. But one way or another, Ukraine will still prepare for maximum values, regardless of whether Russia will receive Iranian missiles or not,” the aviation expert noted.

What policy does Iran pursue?

  • For more than 40 years, an extremely religious regime has been in power in Iran, led by religious leaders whose influence exceeds presidents and governments.
  • The Iranian regime normalizes repression against its citizens and foreign enemies of the regime, while positioning itself as defenders of Islam. The latest attempt at decisive protests against the arbitrariness of the regime occurred after the “moral police” killed a girl in 2022 for wearing the hijab “incorrectly.”
  • At the same time, in its foreign policy, Iran relies on its military strength and uses various groups to undermine the situation in the region. The country is widely exploiting anti-Western sentiment in West Asia to increase its influence.
  • Iran is also getting closer to producing its own atomic weapons. To do this, he already has enough enriched uranium and missiles that could carry it. Previously, the West tried to limit Iran's nuclear program, but this still did not stop Tehran from moving towards weapons of mass destruction.

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