Home » Invaders pull heavy weapons towards Kherson, – mayor of Melitopol

Invaders pull heavy weapons towards Kherson, – mayor of Melitopol

by alex

Russians transport heavy weapons and equipment to Kherson/AP

The Ukrainian military in the Kherson region is obviously making progress. After all, the occupiers began to get nervous and fuss there.


The mayor of the temporarily occupied Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, announced on the air of the national telethon that enemy equipment had gone towards Kherson. They are moving it through Melitopol, Channel 24 reports.

The occupiers are throwing heavy military equipment. On July 25, 3 columns passed through Melitopol towards Kherson – about 80 pieces of equipment and heavy weapons, – Fedorov said.

According to him, the Russians do not let people out of the temporarily occupied territories of the region. They want to use them as human shields.

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According to Fedorov, there are more than 5,000 people at the checkpoint in Vasilievka. the occupiers allow them to drive to the store if they leave their documents to them. People are being kept as a “human shield”.

In addition, panic and threats are being sown in the occupied territories. They frighten residents with the fact that during the retreat they will blow up infrastructure and burn houses. They are afraid of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The brutal deeds of the invaders are still shocking. Fedorov spoke about the case when the Russian KamAZ ran over a car, a family with a child died.

There has been no gas in temporarily occupied Melitopol for 2 weeks. Products imported from Crimea cost three times the regular price. People manage to transfer medicines thanks to volunteers. There is almost no medicine in Russian pharmacies.

UAF counteroffensive

  • Advisor to the head of the President's Office Aleksey Arestovich expressed the opinion that for a counteroffensive in the South our Armed Forces first need to deplete the enemy with maneuverable defense. He believes that it would be inappropriate to launch a counteroffensive earlier. At the same time, Arestovich assured that everything was going according to plan with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • Our soldiers are asking the Ukrainians to keep quiet about the operations that are taking place in the South. After all, sometimes Ukrainians distribute too much. Therefore, there was a case when the enemy tried to counterattack in the Kherson region. Our defenders fought back.
  • And the American Institute of War generally assumed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine either went on a counteroffensive or were intensively preparing for it. Experts noted that several facts point to this at once, as well as statements made not only in an anonymous conversation with journalists, but also publicly.

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