Home » Invaders fired howitzers: new details of the shelling of residential areas of Energodar

Invaders fired howitzers: new details of the shelling of residential areas of Energodar

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc86="" class="news-annotation">Russians continue to organize provocations in Energodar because of the visit of the IAEA mission to the Zaporozhye NPP. On August 28, they shelled a residential area.

According to experts, the invaders fired not from mortars, but from D-30 howitzers of 122 mm caliber. Channel 24 was told by a correspondent from Zaporozhye.

Such artillery shells cause much more destruction. As a result of powerful shelling, the walls of houses were pierced, cars were completely destroyed, and a fire broke out. 10 wounded are known.

This is a much more dangerous weapon, he said.

Provocations are aimed at deception IAEA

This time, the Russians staged a poorly played performance for the IAEA mission, which is on its way to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Traditionally, the Russians try to excuse the shelling of the Ukrainians. However, the network has a lot of videos showing how everything really happens.

When they leave Energodar with their rocket and cannon artillery to cover Nikopol and Marganets, our gunners catch them.


Note that this is already confirmed data. Currently, the exact number of destroyed equipment and inanimate forces of infidels is being specified.

The whole picture of the IAEA can be seen live on the ground. Especially what these “peacekeepers” from Moscow did to Nikopol – a city from which no threatening shelling was carried out, – a correspondent from Zaporozhye emphasized.

IAEA visit to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant: briefly

  • The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, said: the Zaporizhzhya NPP, which the Russians seized, is out of control – Ukraine is threatened with a nuclear explosion. That is why experts should visit the site to prevent an accident that will have consequences for the whole of Europe.
  • Today, the IAEA arrived in Kyiv, where Volodymyr Zelensky met the members of the agency. He noted that he was counting on strategic decisions – the demilitarization of the ZNPP, the withdrawal of all the Russian military and the liberation of the nuclear power plant.
  • After the meeting with the Ukrainian leader, the IAEA mission set off from Kyiv towards the Zaporizhzhya NPP. At the station, representatives of the agency should conduct an inspection.

Russians mercilessly shell Energodar: watch the video

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