Home » Invaders disperse senseless fakes about Odessa region

Invaders disperse senseless fakes about Odessa region

by alex

Russian propagandists spread fakes/slate

While the Kremlin's plans to “take” Odessa fail, the only thing left to the Russians is propaganda. New stupid fakes are being spread about the situation in the region.

This time, Russian propaganda came up with a fake about the Khadzhibey dam. The invaders lie that it was “mined” by order of the head of the Odessa military administration Maxim Marchenko.

Russia is spreading a new fake about the Odessa region

Fake about Dambe is openly distributed in Russian publics and telegram channels. The propagandists do not even hide their belonging to the units of the Russian Center for Information and Psychological Operations, the Odessa Regional State Administration notes.

Invaders disperse senseless fakes about Odessa region

New fake about Odessa region/Screenshot of the Odessa Regional State Administration

“Dear residents of Odessa and residents of the region, we ask you to be vigilant and not trust information from dubious sources, and report the facts of the dissemination of similar information to the SBU,” the authorities addressed the residents of Odessa area.

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