Home » Intensifying actions in three directions: Musienko explained the intentions of the occupiers in the Kharkov region

Intensifying actions in three directions: Musienko explained the intentions of the occupiers in the Kharkov region

by alex

Russian troops are carrying out a strategic offensive in the Kharkov region. The enemy has become more active in some areas, but the question arises whether the invaders will be able to realize their intentions due to a lack of personnel.

This was stated by the head of the Center for Military Legal Research, Alexander Musienko, in a commentary by the host of the information telethon “Unity of News” Yana Brenzei.

Offensive in the Kharkov region

— I think we can talk about the enemy's strategic offensive. If earlier there were still certain doubts, now I can say that the strategic intention of the Russian troops — This is a sweeping operation and encirclement of Kharkov as a regional center. Now enemy activity is widespread in the Volchansk region, where fighting is already taking place almost on the approaches. Today the enemy has also become active in two more places, — he noticed.

According to the analyst, the invaders plan to intensify the offensive in the direction of Cossack Lopan. Another direction — these are Grayvoron and Bolshaya Pisarevka to the Sumy region, from where they will try to move to Zolochev in the Kharkov region.

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Активизация действий по трем направлениям: Мусиенко объяснил, какие намерения оккупантов в Харьковской области

Photo: DeepStateMapLive

— Obviously, if we look at the map, the enemy is intensifying actions in three directions, which indicates that the strategic intention of the operation is — explained the expert.

What problems may arise for the occupiers

— Another question is: will the Russian troops be able to achieve and do this? The shortage of personnel is taking its toll, and then — defensive actions of our troops. They are considering a backup option, which has already been partially voiced. This is a buffer or sanitary zone as the purpose of this operation, — he emphasized.

According to Alexander Musienko, in case of failure, this buffer or sanitary zone will give the Russian occupiers the opportunity to later advance on Kharkov anyway.

— But you see what the situation is? Everything will depend on whether they have any success. If by the end of May they succeed in what they decided for themselves, to gain a foothold in Volchansk and to the south, to create a 10-15 km buffer zone, and they see prospects for carrying out offensive actions, then they will move on. And there will be an intention to take Kharkov into a semi-ring, semi-encirclement, — said the expert.

Alexander Musienko does not rule out that for this purpose the enemy will redeploy certain forces from the southern borders to the occupied territories, where they are not so involved now.

— The level of any operation, what the enemy can achieve, is determined by how quickly the weapons arrive now. Ukrainian forces react quite actively and quickly, they act correctly on defensive lines, but they still need weapons, — noted the analyst.

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