Home » In Zaporozhye, the invaders opened the “first municipal pharmacy” with Ukrainian medicines

In Zaporozhye, the invaders opened the “first municipal pharmacy” with Ukrainian medicines

by alex

The occupiers opened a “pharmacy” in Zaporozhye/Collage of Channel 24

Infidels stole medicines from a Ukrainian pharmacy in Zaporozhye. After that, they cynically announced the opening of the “first municipal pharmacy.”

The incident occurred in the urban-type settlement of Mikhailovka in the Vasilyevsky district of the Zaporozhye region. Unfortunately, the settlement is temporarily occupied by Russia.

The occupiers are going to open a “pharmacy” from medicine stolen in Ukraine

In Mikhailovka, the Russian military, together with collaborators, stole medicines from a local pharmacy, after which they announced the opening of the so-called “first municipal pharmacy” with Ukrainian-made medicines, the message says.

In addition, infidels in the region are trying to introduce Russian rubles. In particular:

  • In Vasilievka, the occupational pseudo-administration approved the exchange rate – 10 hryvnias for 25 rubles. If entrepreneurs do not want to sell goods for rubles, then they are promised to have a “preventive conversation”;
  • in Melitopol, collaborator Balitsky ordered business entities to use both hryvnia and rubles for settlements from May 20. However, non-cash payments are only in rubles. The exchange rate approved – 1 hryvnia for 2 rubles.

Pay attention! According to the exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine, the Russian ruble corresponds to the Ukrainian hryvnia – for 4.7073 hryvnia you can buy 10 Russian rubles . These are the data as of May 22.

Briefly about the actions of the enemy in Zaporozhye

  • During May 21, the Russian military, with the help of drones, activated aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aerial vehicles in the area of ​​Orekhov, Gulyaipole, Lyubimovka, Uspenovka, Priyutnoye, Zeleny Rosh.
  • Russian infidels also carry out engineering and fortification work. They also move enemy military equipment to defend themselves if necessary.
  • Russia has cynically fired on civilian targets in Olgovskoye, Zatishye, Gulyaipole, Orekhovo, Novodanilovka and Kamenskoye. Unfortunately, Gulyaipole was attacked from Grads. There, infidels destroyed the historical building of the philistines Meleshkovs.
  • Also, Russians in Dniprorudny, as well as in Melitopol and Vasilyevka, give out 10 thousand rubles each in exchange for personal data of Ukrainians. The official authorities have not yet reported the reasons for such actions.
  • The Zaporizhzhya OVA said that Russia continues to steal our grain and sell it to other terrorist countries. In particular, during May 20, Russian infidels took out 10 trucks of 30 tons of grain from the Zaporozhye region.

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