Home » In what cases will Russia use nuclear weapons: new threats from Medvedev

In what cases will Russia use nuclear weapons: new threats from Medvedev

by alex

Dmitry Medvedev/Channel 5

Russia can use nuclear weapons in four cases. But they all relate to the “threat to Russia”.

This was stated by Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, according to Russian propagandists.

In what cases will Russia use nuclear weapons: Medvedev's version

  • When its territory is attacked with nuclear weapons.
  • In case of any other use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies.
  • < li>If there is an encroachment on critical infrastructure, as a result of which the Russian nuclear deterrent forces will be paralyzed.

  • In the event of an act of aggression against Russia or its allies, as a result of which the existence of the country would be threatened.

Other nuclear threats of the invaders

Earlier, Putin openly spoke about the possible use of nuclear weapons. The readiness for such a scenario was also confirmed by Russia's representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky. According to him, Moscow retains the right to use nuclear weapons if the country is “provoked by NATO.”

Prior to this, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Putin could press the nuclear button if Russia feels “threatened for existence”.

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